Animal Crossing New Horizons News & Guides
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There are a ton of custom paths created by the Animal Crossing: New Horizons community. The problem is you’re limited in the number of designs you can have at any given time. Because of this,...

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, every day is Arbor Day. Trees are vital to the economy and life of your island, so it’s important to get to know their inner workings. How do they work? What’s...

“If you take good care of them, flowers reward you with blooms,” tells me Olive on the first day after she moves into my island. “They can’t talk to us in words, but I feel like our hearts can commune...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins and...

Some might not agree, but I personally think it’s a fairly lukewarm take: Animal Crossing: New Horizons seems to have better LGBT representation than the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far.

It seems that even the capitalists on the bridge of the S.S. Gamestop are willing to concede the dangers of cramming 50 or more people into tiny strip mall suites, as cities nationwide continue shutti...

In keeping with centuries-old tradition, Animal Crossing: New Horizons features an economics mini-game known as the Sow Jones Stalk Market, wherein turnips are bought and sold in the pursuit...

Animal Crossing: New Horizons provides a number of ways to hustle in its Bell-based economy if you want to get rich quick and pay off Tom Nook’s endless loans. One of the best is...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins and...

While we’re all stuck at home like responsible social-distancing adults, it’s time to agree on one universal truth: there’s nothing more forlornly arresting than looking at Instagram throwback ph...

Mining in Animal Crossing: New Horizons — particularly when you need those all-important Iron Nuggets early on — is a lot more complicated than it seems. Whereas wood, sticks, and fruit basic...

It’s safe to say the flower system in Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been a major source of confusion. What possible flower combinations are there? What exactly are the requirements for th...

In the 1940s, psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark conducted the Doll Test to observe the racial biases in children aged three to seven years old and, ultimately, demystify the notion of “separate bu...

Grab your shotgun and get the hell out there. Island’s haunted. Okay, maybe don’t get a gun but the island is legitimately haunted. There’s a ghost named Wisp who roams your Animal Crossing: New H...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins and...

Animal Crossing might be a super relaxing game, but that doesn’t stop it from obscuring some important things that you’d have no way of knowing otherwise. Thankfully, they aren’t super hard t...

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game with untold global appeal. Millions worldwide are spending hours building bridges, collecting fish, trading turnips, and trapping so m...

Even though most of us (who aren’t playing with time manipulation, that is) are only on day four of our Animal Crossing: New Horizons adventures, there’s a cool secret to mini...

With Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the franchise takes a full hearted leap into the present day, with enhanced internet play, chat functionality, and an in-game smartphone. When paired with th...

Most players who don’t have tons of Nook Miles to flush down the toilet likely won’t purchase a bell voucher from the store. But now that Nintendo has had them as rewards from the New Horizons