Elizabeth Henges
Elizabeth Henges
An accountant that also loves to write about video games. Find my work at http://www.gaiages.com/, or follow me on Twitter @gaiages.

Update: Riot has just announced an official Teamfight Tactics app for iOS and Android, which is expected to launch sometime during in March 2020. The upcoming mobile version...

The Insect Glaive is an interesting weapon in Monster Hunter: World. With its superior aerial combats abilities, the weapon type is great for hunters that want to fly through the air. However...

The Monster Hunter: World main quest eventually puts you at odds with a fiery Elder Dragon: Teostra. The monster can be quite intimidating, with his powerful fire moves, and you hav...

Happy Thanksgiving! Tired of turkey and stuffing yet? How about something a little bit more… gaming flavored? I’ve gathered up 10 gaming recipes for you to try out now! From full meals to desserts, th...

Are you tired of being stuck on the ground in Monster Hunter: World? Wish you could fly through the sky like Rathalos and rain down pain from the heavens like Bazelgeuse? Or maybe you just wa...

While working through the main story of Monster Hunter: World, you’ll come across a variety of different beasts you’ll need to take down. Legiana is one such monster and may be difficult to t...

Monster Hunter: World has quite a lot of items to farm and collect. One of the most deviously rare drops is the coveted Monster Gem. They’re used to create armor sets, high-level we...

In Monster Hunter: World, you need to collect all sorts of materials in order to make items, weapons, and armor for your hunter to survive in the New World. That doesn’t just mean monster car...

When hunting monsters in Monster Hunter: World, you may notice a crown next to the size of your monster’s carcass. What do these crowns mean? And should you go out of your way to collect them...

Itemization has a big effect on who wins each Teamfight Tactics match. Knowing is half the battle, so we previously wrote up our TFT Items Guide which explains all of the different i...

Money is power, and you need power to survive in Teamfight Tactics. Gold is the only way to get new units and level up quickly, both of which are very important on the path to a

We all know who the best of the best Champions are in Teamfight Tactics, Riot’s auto chess title, but we also know that in most cases, one unit isn’t going to win the match. Team composi...

In MHW, Affinity is key. While Monster Hunter World is the most accessible Monster Hunter game for new players yet, some of the game’s mechanics remain overly complicat...

Looking to get competitive in Teamfight Tactics? As of patch 9.14, you can now play Ranked Mode in Riot’s auto-chess title! Playing Ranked and progressing through the ranks each season will n...

Taking on the newly emerged auto-chess genre, Teamfight Tactics is taking the genre by storm with its League of Legends-flavored take. The game is still in beta, but you can currentl...

Looking to get the drop on your opponents in Teamfight Tactics? You’ll want to think more about unit placement! Placing your champions on the field may not seem as important as team comp...

The daughter of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage, Cassie has fighting spirit to spare! She follows in her mother’s footsteps and shares a lot of Sonya’s ferocity. Blended with her father’s flair, that make...

The new Teamfight Tactics patch is live, and it’s sure to shake up the meta a bit! While the new items were delayed to patch 9.19, a new change to PVE battles with the Mystery Box and Ne...

Are you ready for a reality-bending game? Remedy’s latest title is sure to be right up your alley. Control has crazy powers, supernatural enemies, and all sorts of stuff to throw around...

The first Season of Apex Legends has begun, and with that comes the excitement of the Battle Pass. Similar to Fortnite’s Battle Pass, players will have to level up their rank through...