Mike Williams
Mike Williams

Final Fantasy XIV’s Endwalker expansion is starting to round the bend with its current storyline. Here in Patch 6.4, the Warrior of Light can face off against Golbez himself in The V...

Today marked the 77th Letter from the Producer Live for Final Fantasy XIV. Among all the additional details about the patch, which is releasing on May 23, 2023, the familiar faces of creative d...

There’s a whole host of clothing inspired by Final Fantasy XIV out there. There’s the shirt collection from UNIQLO, or the Paladin jacket from Insert Coin. (Still waiting on jackets for the oth...

The next Live Letter from the Producer is quickly approaching for Final Fantasy XIV, and will cover all things Patch 6.4. The patch is scheduled to drop some time in late May, but there ar...

It’s not surprising when fans of a show or film completely miss the thematic point. You can look at Star Trek or Star Wars fandoms for that problem on display. You’re supposed to fight a...

If you’re up-to-date in Final Fantasy XIV, then you’re also probably gaining a ton of random currency and items, like Anthoclusters and Coins. It’s also very possible that you have no clue what...

It’s been a few days since we closed the door on Little Ladies Day, the last seasonal event in Final Fantasy XIV. Hopefully you were able to complete the questline about being who you really ar...

If you’re up-to-date in Final Fantasy XIV, then you’re also probably gaining a ton of random currency and items that you have no clue what to do with, like Anthoclusters and Coins. Just this wh...

As we wait for the next major patch in Final Fantasy XIV, there’s a lot you can still get done. Now is the time to dig deep in your backlog of tasks to pick up some of the smaller items. Now is...

Final Fantasy XIV is slowly continuing to expand into multimedia. There’s the Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light drama series you can watch on Netflix, and the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV...

It has come around to that time again, when old Allagan Tomestones must be put to pasture. This time with Patch 6.4, players are getting rid of the helpful Allagan Tomestones of Astronomy. It’s time t...

You’ve triumphed over the Ninth Circle of Pandaemonium: Anabaseios, so now it’s time to face the next. In the Tenth Circle, the very walls of Ancient prison spring alive. That’s right, this fight is a...

Welcome back to the halls of Pandaemonium. In Asphodelos and Abyssos, you faced off against the worst creations of the Ancients, diving into the family drama of Lahabrea. Now it is time to head into t...

With the advent of Patch 6.4 in Final Fantasy XIV, there’s a whole new raid wing to tackle. The tale of the Ancients, which dives into the family life of the Ascian who would be known as Lahabr...

Hark, gentlefolk! The gentleman has returned and he brings with him more shiny weapons. We’ve previously outlined how to get the Relic Weapons from previous expansions: A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, an...

The latest update for Final Fantasy XIV is here! Patch 6.25 adds new Manderville quests, Variant Dungeons, and a new series of Tribal Quests. While you were helping out the Arkasodara of Thavna...

Of all the new things added in Patch 6.3 for Final Fantasy XIV, there was one that had its own viral pop on social media. That was the Corgi minion, which appeared in a YouTube Short on the off...

Final Fantasy XIV is constantly rotating through its seasonal events, and alongside those events are unique holiday items. The Starlight Celebration event for 2022 just ended, giving way to the...

It is now time to face the lord and master of the Void in Final Fantasy XIV. Golbez’ generals have each fallen to the Warrior of Light and now only he remains. Are you up to facing against th...

Last week, The Omega Protocol (Ultimate) was added to Final Fantasy XIV. The encounter was the latest ultra-hard fight, stretching veteran raiders to their limits to clear it. Just prior to t...