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Cold Comfort



The submersible hits the water at an odd angle, throwing the passengers against the bulkhead. No one was buckled in before it dropped. Confusion erupts from the team of scientists as they begin their descent: the currents shouldn't be as strong as they are. Titan's atmosphere doesn't allow for that.

But they are swept away.

The pilot struggles to orient the craft, and for a moment, they are vertical, able to see blooms of fire expanding above the surface of the ocean. The submersible pitches in another direction, sinking rapidly.

They have nowhere to go but down. Hide under the ice shelf, wait the chaos out. Hope for rescue.

One of the scientists leans out of her seat, pressing her face up against the port window. A shape moves in the dark, too massive to be another craft, too sinuous to be mechanical. The scientist reaches back, blindly grasping for the hand of the person seated next to her.

The shape in the sea doubles back, following the speed and telemetry of the current-swept submersible. Everyone sees it now, blocking out what little light is left as they sink past the ice shelf. It dives with them. Not after, but with.

She will not let them die alone.

About the Author

Sahil Bajaj

Sahil Bajaj is a Narrative Designer and Game Writer who is currently working as a freelancer. He's worked with companies like Sweet Baby Inc, Veritable Joy and the 4 Winds Entertainment. He plays all Destiny 2 classes equally and is Guardian Rank 11.

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Launcher Barrel Slot

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Smart Drift Control

This barrel is broadly optimized for firing control. • Moderately controls recoil • Increases stability • Increases handling speed • Slightly increases projectile speed

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Quick Launch

This weapon's barrel provides faster projectiles and much faster aiming. • Greatly increases handling speed • Increases projectile speed

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Linear Compensator

This weapon's launch barrel is well-balanced. • Slightly increases projectile speed • Slightly increases blast radius • Slightly increases stability

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Hard Launch

This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed. • Greatly increases projectile speed • Decreases stability • Slightly decreases blast radius

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This weapon is weighted for vertical recoil. • Greatly controls recoil • Increases stability • Increases handling speed

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Confined Launch

This weapon's launch parameters are particularly stable. • Greatly increases stability • Increases blast radius • Decreases projectile speed

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Volatile Launch

This weapon is optimized for an especially explosive payload. • Greatly increases blast radius • Slightly decreases handling speed • Slightly decreases projectile speed