Two-Tailed Fox

Breaking through the dawn, the hope of light I am the chosen of the (TRAVELER) With trusted friends and the promise of hope My explosive (POWER) will never be erased!
Shi-ning power! (KITSUNE!) Over-flowing power! (KITSUNE!) Your (NON-STOP POWER) cuts the night! Your (NON-STOP POWER) erases all doubt!
Chaos! Fire! Chaos! Fire! Chaos! Fire!
Getting stronger, subduing the threat You have no choice but to relent to me Even when the fire of my soul is dwindling I have the (POWER) of my (KITSUNE)!
Chaos! Fire! Chaos! Fire! Chaos! Fire!
Shi-ning power! (KITSUNE!) Over-flowing power! (KITSUNE!) Your (NON-STOP POWER) cuts the night! Your (NON-STOP POWER) erases all doubt!
The call of the gun in my hands is the source of my strength… Shi-ning power! (KITSUNE!)