Destiny 2 Lists
Destiny 2 Crucible Maps List - Active & Vaulted (2024)
Crucible is Destiny 2’s PVP mode that branches out to different categories with a wide variety of maps. The map list has new and old PVP arenas...

With as many Exotics as Destiny 2 has, there are always bound to be some that are less useful than others. But then there are those that are hardly useful at all — you know, the Exotics...

Back when I first started playing Destiny 2, the weekly visits by Lovecraftian merchant Xur were something to look forward to. Not only did he sell Exotic armor, but I could snag a rando...

With Monster Hunter Rise coming later this month, I’ve been reflecting on my experiences with the series. Monster Hunter‘s basic loop has a lot in common with

Destiny raids are the bread and butter of the series for a great many players. And you’d be hard pressed to find a bad one in Destiny 2! After years of developing the six-player acti...

“Exotic” means a lot of things when it comes to weapons in Destiny 2. Some Exotics behave completely differently from any other gun in the game, while others are glorified Legendary weapons....

When it comes to collectibles in Destiny 2, there aren’t a ton of rare items that only a very small percentage of the player base owns. Most of the guns, armor pieces, and core emotes are eas...

With Beyond Light two months away, the Destiny 2 community is full of questions. How will the new Stasis powers work? How is Bungie going to fill the content gap...

With Beyond Light delayed until November, we’ve got plenty of time to speculate about the changes it might bring to Destiny 2. I’ve done my fair share of big dreaming, but today...

With Beyond Light still two months off and not a whole lot to do in Destiny 2 right now, I’ve found myself wondering about some of the game’s unanswered lore ques...

Destiny 2 remains one of the biggest titles in the looter-shooter genre, but it’s far from alone. The scrappy Warframe was free-to-play long before Destiny

As we enter the third week of the Season of the Worthy in Destiny 2, the Exotic auto rifle Hard Light continues to run roughshod all over the Crucible. Thanks to an across-the-board buff...

I’m well and truly back into Destiny 2 this month, which means I’m back to grappling with the weird dissonance between the game’s lore and its mechanics. It feels like the two are a...

Destiny 2’s Season of the Drifter kicked off this morning alongside an all-new patch! Regardless of whether or not you have the Annual Pass, there’s a ton of balance changes, new features, an...

In a surprise missive to both fans and employees, Bungie today announced the end of its Destiny publishing agreement with Activision. Bungie will retain the rights to the Destiny fra...

When it comes to weaponry in Destiny 2, nothing is more coveted than the glorified Exotic weapon. Exotics are tough to get, but offer some of the most interesting and unique abilities in the...

Destiny 2 is all about hunting down the best armors and weapons to kit out your Guardian. If you’re going to play for sci-fi fantasy fashion, you need to hunt down some of the rarest gear. Mo...