Elden Ring Features
The FFXIV Healer’s Kiss of Death, and Other Creative Player-Made Twists
In many modern games, achievements are like veins. They’re vital for circulation of blood, ideas, and life in a game’s body.

This article contains light spoilers for Elden Ring, we warned ye Tarnished.

The beauty of Elden Ring is that you can play it any way you want. A fighting game? No problem. Just get one of those fingers and invade away. A role-playing game? Sure. There’s plenty of lor...

I had a come to Erdtree moment with Elden Ring this weekend. While I previously embraced the game as a spectacle, and then decided to download it and give it a shot despite a near-to...

Cheese in Elden Ring is a delicacy. You don’t have to be experienced or knowledgeable with FromSoftware’s catalogue to have it. Cheesy tactics are something every maidenless, Torrent-loving T...

I get motion sickness, ok? I’ve tried everything — ginger, Dramamine, looking at a point in the distance, those ridiculous-looking glasses that are supposed to trick your brain into being ok with bein...