How to Unlock and Use the Glider in Enshrouded

Glide your way through Embervale by quickly unlocking the Glider!

The great chasms of Embervale will pose a big threat to those who are bold enough to attempt to shortcut their way through them, often ending in tragic falls. There is, however, a solution to all of this! Here is how to get and use the Glider in Enshrouded.

How to Craft the Glider in Enshrouded

Before you attempt to glide your way through the world, you need to know that you will first have to craft a Workbench. At this point, you have already placed your first Flame and summoned the Blacksmith, which will be a requirement moving forward.

Crafting in Enshrouded will have you using several workplaces and other machines to either craft specific items or render specific resources to use for more complex items or structures. To build a Workbench, you will have to collect the following items:

  • 3x String: Crafted in exchange for 3x Plant Fiber. These can be found by interacting with bushes and small other plants that do not carry berries. You can craft these on-the-go by accessing the Crafting menu.
  • 8x Wood Logs: Use an ax to cut down some trees to get these.

Enshrouded Workbench Crafting Recipe

Once you have crafted your Workbench, it is time to craft your Glider! Its recipe is a little bit more complex and harder to collect but shouldn't take you long since it will require minimum combat and a short visit in enshrouded areas. Here is the list of items you will need to collect:

  • 8x Shroud Wood: SImilar to chopping regular wood, but you will need to do so with trees that are located in enshrouded areas.
  • 2x Animal Fur: Hunt wild animals and inspect them to get their fur.
  • 2x String: Crafted in exchange for 3x Plant Fiber. These can be found by interacting with bushes and small other plants that do not carry berries. You can craft these on-the-go by accessing the Crafting menu.
  • 2x Shroud Spores: You can find this by defeating shroud enemies. Very common.

Enshrouded Glider Crafting Recipe

How to Use the Glider in Enshrouded

Now that you have crafted your Glider, you will be able to traverse through large chasms without the impending danger of death. Be sure to access your backpack to equip it first, otherwise you will seal your destiny face-first with the ground. Once you equip your Glider, click the jump button and then click it again to deploy it. You will notice that Enshrouded's Glider resembles more what we see in BASE jumping more than the Paraglider in Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom.

Enshrouded Glider

You won't get as much as control as the Paraglider seen in the Zelda games, but you will gain speed extremely fast. Moreover, you will lose altitude pretty fast as well, so make sure to jump from high terrain so that you can cover the most amount of distance while using the Glider in Enshrouded.

Also, be sure you have a good chunk or even your complete stamina available. If you attempt to jump with no stamina you will fall to your death. The same will happen if you run out of it mid-air. Finally, don't worry about the speed of your fall, you will perform a forward somersault when landing that will exempt you from any incoming damage.

About the Author

Alejandro Josan

Alejandro Josan is a video game guide and review writer and has been covering Destiny 2 for Fanbyte since June 2023. He has covered Destiny 2 for sites such as Gamer Journalist and PC Invasion. In every game that features class selection, tanks have always been his class of choice, making him the ideal Titan Guardian. Tier lists, seasonal content, and weapon god rolls are his main focus, and you will find him grinding for Pinnacle Gear every week.