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War Tiger Horn Overview


This curved horn emits a roaring tone that summons your war tiger.


There are many things to collect in Final Fantasy XIV, including a long list of potential mounts. While the game will present players with a Chocobo mount decently early into the story, there are all sorts of mounts available out there for players willing to go hunting. 

Some mounts are unlocked through the main story, some through Extremes or Savages, some through grinding in optional areas, and others from Tribal Quests. Plenty of mounts are also unlocked through achievements. 

FFXIV also has an entire list of achievements for players to work through. The requirements to unlock these vary from roulettes, to PVP, to Deep Dungeons. Not all achievements offer items or mounts, but they do offer points. These points can be used to acquire certificates, which can then be exchanged for mounts. The NPC that offers these certificates is named Jonathas, who takes residence in Old Gridania. 

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Image via Square Enix

All FFXIV Mounts obtained from achievements

Name of MountHow to Acquire
Al-iklilCollect all 50 field notes in Bozja and achieve the Annals of Archaeology, Annals of War and Annals of Liberation achievements.
AmaroGet the achievement "A Life Of Adventure IV" by accomplishing Mastering War IV and Mastering Magic IV - or getting all disciples of war and magic to level 80.
Serpent WarsteedGet the achievement "A Line In The Glade IV" by achieving 100 Frontline victories working for the Order of the Twin Adder
Flame WarsteedGet the achievement "A Line In The Sand IV" by achieving 100 Frontline victories working for the Immortal Flames
Storm WarsteedGet the achievement "A Line In The Storm IV" by achieving 100 Frontline victories working for the Maelstrom
Logistics SystemGet the achievement "Behind Enemy Lines I", which requires you to guide any three Grand Companies to 200 Frontline victories.
Gloria-class AirshipGet the achievement "Blood Born IV" which requires you to win 200 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict.
War PantherGet the achievement "But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Dark Knight)", which requires you to complete 200 high-level duties as a Dark Knight. 
WarlionGet the achievement "But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Paladin)" which requires you to complete 200 high-level duties as a Paladin.
WarbearGet the achievement "But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Warrior)" which requires you to complete 200 high-level duties as a Warrior.
Battle PantherGet the achievement "Tank You, Dark Knight III", which requires you to complete 300 of the following at level 61 and above: Dungeons, Extreme Trials, Unreal Trials, level 50/60/70/80 Duty Roulette Dungeons, or Duty Roulette leveling duties as Dark Knight. Roulettes only count with a daily reward bonus.
War TigerGet the achievement "Tank You, Gunbreaker II", which requires you to complete 200 of the following at level 61 and above: Dungeons, Extreme Trials, Unreal Trials, level 50/60/70/80 Duty Roulette Dungeons, or Duty Roulette leveling duties as Gunbreaker. Roulettes only count with a daily reward bonus.
Battle TigerGet the achievement "Tank You, Gunbreaker III", which requires you to complete 300 of the following at level 61 and above: Dungeons, Extreme Trials, Unreal Trials, level 50/60/70/80 Duty Roulette Dungeons, or Duty Roulette leveling duties as Gunbreaker. Roulettes only count with a daily reward bonus.
Battle LionGet the achievement "Tank You, Paladin III", which requires you to complete 300 of the following at level 61 and above: Dungeons, Extreme Trials, Unreal Trials, level 50/60/70/80 Duty Roulette Dungeons, or Duty Roulette leveling duties as a Paladin. Roulettes only count with a daily reward bonus.
Battle BearGet the achievement "Tank You, Warrior III", which requires you to complete 300 of the following at level 61 and above: Dungeons, Extreme Trials, Unreal Trials, level 50/60/70/80 Duty Roulette Dungeons, or Duty Roulette leveling duties as a Warrior. Roulettes only count with a daily reward bonus.
Magitek AvengerGet the achievement "Die Another Day III", which requires you to win Rival Wings 100 times.
JuediGet the achievement "Dressed For Heaven", which requires you to speak with the cast-off Confederate while in possession of all four of the empyrean accessories. These are acquired through Heaven-on-High.
VictorGet the achievement "Endgame Hunter", which requires achievements Take Your A Game Further III, and Take Your S Game Further III. The former requires slaying 2,000 A rank elite marks in Endwalker, and the latter slaying 1,000 S rank elite marks in Endwalker.
Gilded Magitek ArmorGet the achievement "Everybody's Darling", which requires you to receive 500 player commendations.
Safeguard SystemGet the achievement "Front And Center V", which requires you to win 100 matches in Frontline.
GotenGet the achievement "Fame Fatale", which requires you to win in a total of 30 Feast or Crystalline Conflict matches combined while using a title from the disreputable priest in the Wolves' Den Pier.
GingaGet the achievement "Frontline Fury", which requires you to win in a total of 10 Frontline or Rival Wings matches combined while using a title from the disreputable priest in the Wolves' Den Pier.
RaigoGet the achievement "Furious Fatalities", which requires you to win in a total of 60 Frontline and Rival Wings matches or Feast/Crystalline Conflict matches combined while using a title from the disreputable priest in the Wolves' Den Pier.
AstropeGet the achievement "I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me VI", which requires you to complete 2,000 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor.
Aerodynamics SystemGet the achievement "In A Blaze Of Glory V", which requires you to win 100 times in Fields of Glory under any of the three Grand Companies.
Magitek Death ClawThis is acquired by spending six achievement certificates with Jonathas in Old Gridania. These are obtained by accomplishing other achievements, as a certificate is awarded for every 50 achievement points.
BehemothThis is acquired by spending six achievement certificates with Jonathas in Old Gridania. These are obtained by accomplishing other achievements, as a certificate is awarded for every 50 achievement points.
AhrimanThis is acquired by spending six achievement certificates with Jonathas in Old Gridania. These are obtained by accomplishing other achievements, as a certificate is awarded for every 50 achievement points.
Parade ChocoboGet the achievement "Leaving A Better Impression II", which requires you to receive 3,000 player commendations.
HybodusGet the achievement "No More Fish In The Sea II", which requires you to score at least 10,000 points during ocean fishing on the Indigo route.
TriceratopsGet the achievement "Nuts For Nutsy", which requires you to obtain "Shadowbring Your A Game III", and Shadowbring Your S Game III". The former requires you to slay 1,000 elite marks of rank S or higher in Norvrandt, and the latter requires you to 1,000 elite marks of rank S or higher in Norvrandt.
Construct VIIGet the achievement "One Steppe At A Time V", which requires you to get 100 victories at Onsal Hakair under any of the three Grand Companies.
Magitek Avenger A1Get the achievement "Out Of Hiding", which requires you to get 100 victories in a Hidden Gorge campaign. 
AeturnaGet the achievement "Vintage Vogue", which requires you to get speak with Koh Rabntah while you have all four enaretos accessories. This requires doing Eureka Orthos to floor 100 four times.
Demi-OzmaGet the achievement "We're On Your Side I", which requires you to clear the Baldesion Arsenal.
Centurio TigerGet the achievement "You Got Game", which requires you to acquire achievements Bring Your A Game V and Bring Your S Game V. The former requires you to slay 3,000 A rank elite marks, while the latter requires you to slay 2,000 S rank elite marks.

About the Author

Emily Berry

Just a little guy in the games media sphere who's passionate about storytelling. Emily's been writing freelance for two years in games media. She has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV, mostly playing healer.