Final Fantasy XIV Item Database
Item | Item Lv | Req. Lv |
Omicron Shoes of Fending | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Shoes of Healing | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Shoes of Maiming | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Shoes of Striking | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Trousers of Aiming | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Trousers of Casting | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Trousers of Fending | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Trousers of Healing | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Trousers of Maiming | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Trousers of Scouting | 380 | 70 |
Omicron Trousers of Striking | 380 | 70 |
Onion Armor | 80 | 50 |
Onion Boots | 80 | 50 |
Onion Doublet | 1 | 1 |
Onion Gaskins | 1 | 1 |
Onion Gauntlets | 80 | 50 |
Onion Helm | 11 | 1 |
Onion Mask | 80 | 50 |
Onion Pattens | 1 | 1 |
Onion Sarouel | 80 | 50 |
Onion Shield | 90 | 50 |
Onishi Dogi | 340 | 70 |
Onishi Kasa | 340 | 70 |
Onishi Momohiki | 340 | 70 |
Onishi Tekko | 340 | 70 |
Onishi Zori | 340 | 70 |
Ophiotauroskin Boots of Aiming | 545 | 88 |
Ophiotauroskin Boots of Casting | 545 | 88 |
Ophiotauroskin Boots of Gathering | 560 | 90 |
Ophiotauroskin Boots of Healing | 545 | 88 |