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Adult Swim Games and Soleil Games, a studio comprised of veterans from the Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive series, have announced a Samurai Jack game set...

Microsoft has already confirmed that the Xbox Series X (technically just called Xbox but specificity is required when we’re about to be talking about multiple Xbox systems for the next few hundred wor...

Age of Empires is a franchise dominated by its second installment. The first game is generally considered too dated, III too odd, and Mythology too far removed from th...

Dreams at its core is a blank canvas. With its wide range of tools, players can express their creativity in whatever way they see fit. They might want to build a 1:1 recreation of their favouri...

Why do we reboot popular media? Of course, there’s a financial motivation — this thing did well, so we’ll try it again, and wring millions of dollars out of consumers’ nostalgia for Batman or wha...

I finally got my Saitek X-55 Rhino working with MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries this week. But even just after a handful of missions, it’s clear to me this game was meant to be played with the abs...

Over the next week, many of you will spend time in living rooms that lack a fireplace. This is a common occurrence in the modern west, and over the last decade or so, many folk have turned to looping...

Despite its troubled launch and ongoing issues, Fallout 76 has managed to develop a passionate community of fans and players. From murder mystery nights to fight clubs, there’s alwa...

As someone who grew up with The Sims and has lost weeks, if not months, of my life to it and its many sequels, I have always been amazed at the creativity of the series’ fans. Whether it’s crea...

Tonight’s the night of the 54th Super Bowl, and while some people are tuning in to see the game, some just want to see what commercials companies spent actual millions of dollars to put in front of th...

One of the biggest appeals of ARK: Survival Evolved is the bevy of dinosaurs that are stomping around the island. Not only can you take these beasts head on in a fight, but you can also tame...

Nintendo recently unveiled an Animal Crossing: New Horizons-themed Nintendo Switch to go along with the game’s impending March 20 release, and chief amongst its incredible qualities are its i...

One of four new event quests in MHW, “A Shocking Climax” lives up to its name. It pits players against a Zinogre and a Namielle in the same mission for the right to wield a brand-new weapon....

The Tempered Crimson Mane in MHW. It’s not the most important item that becomes available when you reach the Guiding Lands region — a special new zone in Iceborne — but it is useful....

Not to be confused with the Tempered Azure Horn, or the Tempered Azure Scale, the Tempered Azure Mane is a rare new monster part in MHW. The special item only becomes available after...

MHW weapon augments need a lot of materials: including the Tempered Trancehide. This very rare material is only found in one very specific place, from one very creature in Monster Hunter...

If you’re new to Escape From Tarkov, you may be stumped by one of the early choices you’ll have to make upon booting up the game. To hop into a raid, you need to pick to play as a SCAV o...