No Man's Sky Guides

Have you ever wondered why your space suit and freighter have a cargo inventory but your spaceship never has? Upon logging in you’ll now find yourself blessed with all new starship cargo inventory spa...

No Man’s Sky is back with yet another update! The Outlaws Update is here and with it comes new ship types, improved space combat, smuggling, squadrons, and most importantly, new pirate-contro...

Just one No Man’s Sky Portal exists on every planet and moon in the game. Yet each of them can open you up to a wide range of possibilities. If you build just one base next to a Portal, for i...

No Man’s Sky Derelict Freighters are spooky, dangerous, and full of valuable rewards like Tainted Metal and Salvaged Frigate Modules. Originally introduced in the Desolation Update, these are...

The No Man’s Sky Hermetic Seal blueprint is found quite early on in any normal save. You just need to follow the in-game objectives and know what to do! For those still struggling to find thi...

After yesterday’s new Outlaws Update for No Man’s Sky, Hello Games has enabled Expedition 6: Blighted. As always, everyone starts on the same planet and shares the same goals as they navigate...

No Man’s Sky has a tendency to surprise its dedicated space explorers with new content – seemingly out of nowhere – and that trend continued this past week with the sudden launch of the N...

No Man’s Sky is a huge sandbox. You can basically do anything you want. Go explore the cosmos, settle all kinds of planets, invest money into creating mineral extractors, become a farmer, the...

The No Man’s Sky Trade Rocket offers a new way to sell your items on pesky planets. Added in Update 4.0: Waypoint, the new rocket is also one of the only truly new items added w...

In No Man’s Sky, oxygen is life. Well… That’s technically true in the real world, too. Spacefaring can be a messy deal, though, and you’ll need lots of supplies to survive out there in the va...

One of the big features of the latest No Man’s Sky update, Sentinel, is the ability to have your very own Minotaur powered by an AI — think Titanfall but in space. A robot that can n...

The list of things to do in No Man’s Sky continues to grow. As part of the latest 3.6 update, FRONTIERS, you’re now able to oversee a settlement of NPCs, becoming responsible for building thi...

The latest No Man’s Sky expedition is here about two weeks earlier than we thought possible! That’s great news if you already completed the previous Cartographer’s Expedition. This time aroun...

No Man’s Sky is a huge sandbox. You can basically do anything you want. Go explore the cosmos, settle all kinds of planets, invest money into creating mineral extractors, become a farmer, the...

No Man’s Sky is a huge sandbox. You can basically do anything you want. Go explore the cosmos, settle all kinds of planets, invest money into creating mineral extractors, become a farmer, the...

One of the many things you can do with your new No Man’s Sky companions is outfit them with accessories. These customizations aren’t purely aesthetic too! Depending on the size and shape of y...

Hello Games is back yet again with another huge update to No Man’s Sky. The Origins Update includes a heck of a lot which makes planets finally feel more alive as I talked about the other day...

No Man’s Sky is perhaps one of the greatest gaming redemption stories in the modern era. A title that was hyped up beyond imagination was released to middling reviews and harsh player feedbac...

No Man’s Sky is a huge sandbox. You can basically do anything you want. Go explore the cosmos, settle all kinds of planets, invest money into creating mineral extractors, become a farmer, the...

One of the more frustrating experiences in the history of No Man’s Sky was trying to get a freighter which was visually appealing in both its structure and color scheme. As part of today’s De...