Civilization VI

In Civilization 6, you can’t found a religion without first establishing a pantheon. These are bonuses that are typically focused on the terrain, and allow your civ to further stretch th...

The Gathering Storm expansion for Civilization 6 introduced a number new features to the perennial 4X strategy game, including Diplomatic victories, the World Congress...

A game of Civilization is a lot like rolling a snowball down hill. At first, it’s a small, harmless thing, but as time goes on, it grows in size until it’s capable of mowing down ev...

In Civilization 6, the growth of your empire is dependent on the happiness of its citizens. Contented cities will grow faster, which provides you with a larger labor force, meaning you c...

Pursuing a Culture victory in Civilization VI requires you to attract tourists from other empires. To do so, you need to give them a reason to visit your cities, something spectacular an...

With over 40 different civilizations to play, Civ 6 is a massively replayable 4X strategy experience. Each civ and leader favors at least one of the five different paths to victory (dominatio...

One of the biggest changes added in Civilization 6’s Gathering Storm expansion is an overhaul of the diplomacy system. Warmongering has been replaced by grievances, a diplomatic victory...

Disasters have finally come to the Civilization VI. But don’t expect something along the lines of SimCity. Instead, these disasters are less about pure destruction and more about con...

As you get closer to the Industrial era in Civilization 6: Gathering Storm, you’ll start to need power to keep your buildings operating at maximum capacity. Cities that lack power will suffer...

Ah, Sunshine. You might’ve failed at the box office, but your gorgeous soundtrack will live on in trailers for years to come. Case in point, the above announcement trailer for Civilizatio...

If you’re new to Civilization, know that each civ and leader in the game has unique traits that set them apart from one another. The Civ 6 base game comes with a total of 20 differen...