Destiny 2

With Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen came weapon crafting at the Mars Enclave. This guide explains how weapon crafting works, from collecting weapon Patterns and crafting traits, a...

In the Black Armory-turned-armor cosmetic shop, Ada-1 is selling the Valkyrie Zero shader from Destiny 2 Season 10, also known as, Season of the Worthy. It also happens to be one of the least o...

A few days after the State of the Game post left some players disappointed about the game’s future, Destiny 2 game director Joe Blackburn shared a 16-minute video on Twitter to provide a positi...

Destiny 2 drip fiends everywhere are applauding Bungie’s announcement that it will allow players to favorite up to a hundred of their go-to shaders, meaning the game’s fashionistas will never...

Destiny 2 game director Joe Blackburn released a State of the Game post, which contained a slew of announcements regarding PVP updates. Some of the most compelling were unexpected announcemen...

This season, we discover that the giant worm-like creature in the methane sea of Titan — that left players scratching their heads for years — is Ahsa, the long girl in the soup. Ahsa is an ancient cre...

Commander Zavala's longtime voice actor Lance Reddick passed away earlier this year. His iconic role as head of the Vanguard will always be a memorable part of the Destiny franchise, with new d...

Bungie previously revealed that alongside the returning Destiny 2 PVP maps — Meltdown and The Citadel — from the Destiny Content Vault, Bungie is adding a new Crucible map into the mix....

Bungie’s latest Developer Insights blog tackles upcoming Exotic armor and abilities tuning that will go live in Season 22. Bungie said its primary goal for this balance pass is to “bolster underused E...

While players approach Season 22, the developers at Bungie shared a Developer Insights blog post previewing armor and ability tuning. Destiny 2’s combat gameplay team dedicated a chunk of the p...

In Bungie’s new State of the Game blog post, Destiny 2‘s Joe Blackburn shared details as to why the game hasn’t introduced more PVP maps and why players should temper their expectations regardi...

Bungie gave players an update on Vanguard playlists in its latest State of the Game blog, notably saying that more Battlegrounds are coming to the Nightfall and Grandmaster rotation.

Bungie announced several key Quality of Life (QOL) changes for Season 22 in Destiny 2’s latest State of the Game blog. These are small, but helpful changes that impact everyday interactions wit...

Alongside Solstice 2023, Bungie released the 7.1.5 patch, which launched changes detailed in the mid-season tuning update and a few other fixes. Here are some of the new patch notes.

Bungie said it’s working to resolve Destiny 2‘s stability issues, implementing fixes and introducing processes and systems to prevent such issues in the future.

In a recent State of the Game blog post, Bungie discussed the overall narrative for Destiny 2 so far in the Lightfall era and what we can expect leading up to The Final Shape

Gambit finally got a mention in a recent Destiny 2 State of the Game blog post, which Bungie has been quiet about ever since its overhaul in Witch Queen. While the changes they annou...

Bungie’s latest State of the Game post, from Destiny 2 game director Joe Blackburn, has been released and covers just about every aspect of the game. Among them are more upgrades to the newest Strand...

Bungie has announced that the Power level cap in Destiny 2 will not increase for the second season running, following positive feedback from Season 21.

As part of weekly reset, Bungie rolled out a small-but-mighty patch that will satisfy Guardians across Sol. Destiny 2 update makes several important armor mods available once again, r...