Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

So, you’ve decided to become a tank. Whether this is the first time you’ve played an MMO, or you’re transitioning to the role after playing Final Fantasy XIV as a damage dealer or healer, we we...

The Final Fantasy XIV x Fall Guys event brings dozens of new mounts, minions, and glamours to Final Fantasy XIV, but among the most sought-after is the Rhiyes mount. Exclusively t...

Rhalgr, the Destroyer. Thaliak, the Scholar. Nald’thal, the Traders. The Twelve loom large over the background of Final Fantasy XIV. They are the patron deities of whole cities like Old Sharl...

Back in October ahead of the release of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, Square Enix updated its terms of service. Part of the change was to address using the Party Finder system for real...

Since the original release of Final Fantasy XIV, the Garlean Empire has been a consistent threat as a massive imperial juggernaut taking over the world with fearsome Magitek. Given that ever-...

We turn away from the First Circle of Pandaemonium, and head into the Second. Following the end of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker’s main scenario, we dive into the secret...

With the story of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker done, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have turned their attention to their own projects. They’re still a team, but with the major threat def...

We walk toward the end. Today marks the full official launch of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. The road hasn’t been a smooth one, with a delay and severe login issues during the early access p...

The best damage is dealt from range, where you can’t be hit back. In last night’s “Live Letter from the Producer”, director and executive producer Naoki Yoshida and community manager Toshio Murouchi g...

We turn away from the First and Second Circles of Pandaemonium, which easily fell beneath your blade. Now we move to the third leg of Final Fantasy XIV

Stand tall, Warriors of Light! You have entered the Tower of Babil, the second dungeon of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. While the Tower of Zot was simply the first foray into the monstrous plan...

One of the amazing things about Final Fantasy XIV is how remarkably consistent the game’s update cycle is. Players have been able to correctly predict and anticipate when major patches d...

If you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forget all about the Aether Currents in-between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and only b...

The fourth dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is a race to the end for the Warrior of Light. We’re going to go ahead and get this out of the way — this article contains spoilers. Du...

Should healers just be healing? That’s a long-running discussion that won’t be solved any time soon, even within the friendly Final Fantasy XIV community. You can look at the forums or FFXIV...

When Peter Bramhill, the English voice actor for Thancred, reflects on the professional and personal impact Final Fantasy XIV has had on him, he recounts an experience from just earlier this ye...

No matter what changes, the tank stands at the front of any part in Final Fantasy XIV. In this evening’s “Live Letter from the Producer”, FFXIV director and executive producer Naoki...

FFXIV RMT (or real-money trading) should get a bit harder soon — along with more serious issues like stalking. We’re less than a month away from the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

Everyone is excited to go to the Moon, but Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is more than a lunar adventure. There will be a host of new locales to visit, friends to make, and monsters to kill on Eo...

The upcoming Patch 6.1 kicks off a brand-new saga for Final Fantasy XIV. With the closing moments of Endwalker, one grand tale ended and another began. Now, instead of th...