
There’s a lot going on under the hood of Temtem. Not only are there all those types you’re unfamiliar with, physical & special techniques, synergy, and more, but also… what the heck are Bas...

You know all about stats in Temtem, and now you want to manipulate them to give your team the advantage. Base Stats are unchangeable and SVs can only be nudged, so that leaves TVs. They can be...

One of the most important mechanics to understand in Temtem is the type system. There are 12 different types, each with their own strengths, resistances, and weaknesses. Because Temtem can be t...

I love Monster Train. Train goes choo-choo straight into the mouth of hell! But this game can be very weird and difficult even by roguelike deckbuilder standards. Its tower defense-esque...

I’m level 19 in Pokemon Go. At this point in the game, I have a few modestly powerful Pokemon, enough that I can start taking on some of the gyms in my city. As I discovered, though, gyms are...

Editor’s note: this is a republished work from our days as Zam/ReadySet. Some images may have changed.

The recent Yakuza games are (rightly) praised for their highly authentic localizations, which retain all the Japanese flavor and cultural nuances of the originals. The downside of this is, un...

Little Dragon’s Cafe is by no means a difficult game, but it’s a light introduction to the management simulation genre that’s perfect for kids and adults alike. One would expect nothing...

Dead Cells is the kind of game that really wants to kick your ass. “Kill, die, learn, repeat” has been the game’s mantra ever since its very first days in Steam’s Early Access.

If you’re a gamer, it’s likely that you’ve played custom levels. But have you ever tried making one yourself? Making custom content is a challenge, especially for the uninitiated. For puzzle games, le...

Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steven Strom shows off...

Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steve...

There is no shortage of variety in Overwatch. With 21 characters — 22 if you are counting Ana — spread across 4 classes competing in 4 game modes on 12 unique maps, Blizzard has epitomized the idea th...

Leveling up isn’t something that happens to Pokemon in Pokemon Go– it only happens to you, the Trainer, and it’s the main thing that gates off features and mechanics in this game. Every...

Pokemon Go is a massive drain on phone batteries– when I’m playing, it’s not unusual for me to eat 30% of my battery on a decent walk around my neighborhood. Niantic’s previous game, Ingress, was also...

Mercy is one of Overwatch‘s prime healers – a guardian angel who can still rain down death when she needs to. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to get sweet, sweet Mercy.

Genji is Overwatch‘s ninja-in-chief. Its CYBORG ninja-in-chief, with a range of techno-samurai weaponry. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to make Genji your main.

Widowmaker is NOT messing around in Overwatch. An assassin with an impressive arsenal, and a hell of a sniper, she is a force on the battlefield. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to get perfe...

Symmetra is a high-tech engineer who can create total chaos for her opponents on the battlefield. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to engineer success with Symmetra.

Reinhardt is the tankiest tank in all of Overwatch. With his massive shield and heavy melee abilities, he is the very definition of a powerful character. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to m...