Pokemon (series)

I’m level 19 in Pokemon Go. At this point in the game, I have a few modestly powerful Pokemon, enough that I can start taking on some of the gyms in my city. As I discovered, though, gyms are...

Pokemon Go seized the world by storm when it first rolled out in July, and it continues to enjoy a sizable playerbase, despite a sharp drop-off in daily users. Nowhere is this more evident th...

Japan is the birthplace of Pokemon, so it struck many as odd that Pokemon Go had rolled out in so many other countries but not in its native land. Rumors have...

Despite never actually saying it made Pokemon Go, and its logo appearing exactly nowhere in the app, Nintendo has been enjoying a huge uptick in market value since the app’s launch two weeks...

Pokemon isn’t simply about overfishing and virtual cockfighting — gosh, has anyone done those hot takes yet? — it’s also, ostensibly, about understanding and bonding with creatures different...

Pokemon GO, an augmented reality app which uses your smartphone’s camera and GPS to turn the world around you into a Pokemon scavenger hunt, will be launching this July according to Nintendo.

Late yesterday, developer Niantic rolled out a new update for its worldwide smash hit game Pokemon Go. The tweaks include a claimed fix for the capture rate bug as well as the return of the B...

In the upcoming Pokémon Sword and Shield games, we already know you can summon giant versions of some Pokémon. But you didn’t think they’d do giant forms of Pokémon and&nbs...

Admit it, we love pastoral fantasy games. From Animal Crossing‘s small town mayoral life to Minecraft‘s ‘punch trees, kill a skeleton’ philosophy, there’s just something special abou...

It is a truth universally unacknowledged that Pokémon types are incomprehensible bullshit, to the degree that it would be easier to develop an entirely new system than to fix it. The taxonomy is a mes...

Werner Herzog is a prolific filmmaker, known chiefly for his narrated feature-length documentaries including Encounters at the End of the World, Grizzly Man, and Cave of Forgotte...

Pokemon Go experienced a surge in player activity as a result of its recent Halloween event, so it makes sense that developer Niantic would seek to further incentivize players back to its hit...

Good news: Pokemon Go is having its first event, just in time for Halloween.

The recent Pokemon Go update (1.7.0 on iOS; 0.37.0 on Android) introduces the Buddy System, and it’s pretty cute! Unfortunately, if you have a jailbroken, rooted, or otherwise unlocked smartp...

Pokemon Go will soon release a new update (ver 1.7.0 on iOS; ver 0.37 on Android), which introduces the cute new Pokemon buddy system. Intrepid dataminers, however, have discovered a cute lit...

At today’s Apple event, Niantic Labs announced that it’s rather popular Pokemon Go will be arriving on Apple Watch. The gadget will alert you whenever Pokestops are nearby, and when a Pokemon...

Software development is an arms race, fought between developers and the various hackers, crackers, exploiters, and cheaters who see any brick wall as an invitation to grab a sledgehammer. It’s no...

One of the subtler changes introduced with last week’s updates to Pokemon Go has made catching the little ‘Mons a lot harder. This affects even extremely weak Pokemon, and as a result, p...