
How, Exactly, Does One Beat Elden Ring in Under 23 Minutes?
There will be a few spoilers for Elden Ring in the following piece.

Barney, Shrek, and Other Monsters: The World of Obscure Speedruns
At speedrun.com, over 1,000 players are on the Super Mario Bros. leaderboard. Only four have run 1996’s bizarre point-and-click adventure Harvester. The latter is one of...

Breaking VR with the Half Life: Alyx Speedrunning Community
In many ways, the Half Life: Alyx speedrun is just like any other. For about half an hour, players race through the game, combining ordinary precision play with glitches that allow them to skip...

The Wild World of Animal Crossing Speedrunning
For most of us, Animal Crossing represents a much-needed escape from our fast-paced day to day lives. In Nintendo’s idyllic series, we can take a relaxing stroll through a digital neighbourhood...