Yakuza: Like A Dragon

There’s many items to find and collect in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but some are more precious than others. Instead of chests, there’s dozens of silver and gold safes scattered throughout the st...

The smartphone makes a grand return in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but it’s not there just to take selfies with the group. After you have unlocked Part-time Hero, one of the orders will task you w...

JRPGs set in contemporary worlds sure love to invite you to the movies, but Yakuza: Like a Dragon follows the tradition with a twist. Seagull Cinema presents a whack-a-mole like minigame wher...

There’s plenty of fish in the sea, thugs on the streets, and bugs in the trees in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Catching bugs might not seem like a useful task at first, but after certain story even...

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 46th annual 2020 Jordie Awards. I’m your host, the frog/whale mafia boss from Mirai Sentai Timeranger, and it is my genuine pleasure to be here with all of...

There’s a lot to see and discover in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and one of the ways to ensure that you cover as much ground as possible is through Part-time Hero requests. These can open up new s...

Turn-based battles aren’t the only thing you’ll want to prepare for with our Yakuza: Like a Dragon tips. The new and very different game for the franchise layers on a lot of activities — as w...

Kazuma Kiryu has left an impressive legacy behind him, and now it’s Ichiban Kasuga’s turn to step in with Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and forge a new path. This entry is the first to present itsel...

Survive Bar is one of the most welcoming locations in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It’s a place where you can get to know more about your party members and play karaoke, but you can also listen to...

Activities such as karaoke or kicking an UFO Catcher in hopes to obtain that one plushie just hit different if you’re surrounded by friends. Yakuza: Like a Dragon presents a daunting story fo...

You won’t be tending to a farm in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but you will come quite close. At one point in the story numerous planters will become available throughout Yokohama, and Ichiban will...

As it is usual in the series, Yakuza: Like a Dragon is filled with minigames. Most of them are unlocked as you progress through the main story, and Can Quest is one of the first to offer a sp...

One of the best parts of Yakuza: Like a Dragon being a JRPG is that you’re never alone in your travels. This doesn’t involve just fights, but also activities, minigames, and hitting bars. The...

If you were wondering whether or not Yakuza: Like a Dragon continued the series tradition of featuring an ambitious minigame, the answer is called Management Mode. At one point in the story I...

In 2020, Sega released Yakuza: Like A Dragon in the west to critical acclaim and seeming financial success. The title was a soft reboot for the series, bringing in a new protagonist and...

Kazuhiro Nakaya, the voice actor of Ichiban Kasuga in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, has addressed the future of the Yakuza series, confirming Ichiban is here to stay for the foreseeable fut...