Alexandra Orlando
Alexandra Orlando

Nightwave is the Warframe system of weekly and daily challenges — like a free battle pass! Completing challenges rewards players with Standing to increase their Nightwave level. Naturally, ev...

The Saint of Altra update isn’t the only new thing in Warframe. Nightwave is back again this week with a new set of challenges! To start things off, you’ll want to make sure you have enough C...

The newest open-world map in Warframe, the Orb Vallis, is the biggest one to date — with many unique challenges and regularly updated events bringing players back again and again. But wi...

The Jovian Concord update for Warframe is finally here. And with it come several major additions to the game, along with the newest Warframe, Wisp! Naturally, everyone wants to know the best...

This week in Warframe Nightwave challenges brings with it a lot of farming. Specifically, it’s time to hunt the Silver Grove Specters (if you haven’t already). Players who haven’t completed “...