Cody Perez
Cody Perez
Cody (he/him) has immense passion for all things anime and RPGs. When he isn’t writing about them, chances are he’s crafting the night away in FFXIV.

Final Fantasy XIV offers players plenty of choice when it comes to which job and role they wish to employ. For a while, the healer role was the most limited, with only three options until the f...

A significant portion of Final Fantasy XIV's jobs focus on the magical DPS classes. With four in total if you include Blue Mage, one of the most popular is the Red Mage. Arguably the most flexi...

The joy of crafting in Final Fantasy XIV largely comes from the complex turn-based battle against durability and quality to craft an item. Ishgard Restoration is one of the best places to cra...

Some of the very best crafting and gathering content in Final Fantasy XIV is also the most daunting. The Ishgard Restoration project completed with the launch of Endwalker, but the h...