Gretchen Felker-Martin
Gretchen Felker-Martin

After more than twenty years, David Cronenberg returns to the world of sci-fi body horror without missing a beat. Amid the rotting bones of a nameless, placeless coastal city, the performance artists...

Men howl and stamp around a roaring fire, dragging animal cries up from deep within their bellies. A son and his father snarl and snap at one another on all fours in a secret burrow deep under the ear...

If you like watching Zendaya turn around and stare into the camera in slow motion, boy have I got a movie for you. Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part I is chock full of little visions like this. A b...

Ridley Scott seems to have discovered the secret to making Jared Leto palatable: render him unrecognizable, make sure everything he says is incomprehensible, and limit his time on-screen to no more th...

This week finds many of us quarantined in our homes, stuck inside with our anxieties for company while cable news and social media whisper alternating streams of apocalyptic nihilism and blustering de...

Most video games require an active player, an agent within the plot and mechanical framework of the simulated world. For horror, a genre built around instilling physical sensations of vulnerability an...

“Do you want to be like me?” asks a man who will be dead in minutes, burned alive in his brother’s arms. His expression, forever twisted by the melted-wax burn scars that cover half his face, is tende...

For the last four decades Star Wars has been caught between the children who’ve loved it since its days as an unexpected sci-fi sensation and the adults into whom they’ve grown. From “the prequ...