Joshua Hawkins
Joshua Hawkins

New World forgoes the standard class system seen in most MMOs and instead opts for a two-weapon system, allowing you to constantly move between one weapon and another. Each weapon has its own...

Despite undergoing notable changes since its original inception in 2016, Amazon’s New World still has many intricate systems for players to learn. While the tutorial does a good job of getting...

Camps are a mechanic you’ll be introduced to early on in New World, most likely as you run up to your first town and find yourself bombarded by dozens of them strewn along the road. While it...

One of the best things about playing MMOs is teaming up with others and grinding away at the various dungeons and raids that it has to offer. In New World, you can join up with Faction member...

One of the most important roles in MMOs like New World is the DPS, short for damage-per-second.. Whereas tanks are responsible for controlling crowds and healers keep the party alive, DPS mai...

Houses can be a great asset in any MMO and New World is no different. On top of giving you a place to decorate and furnish, housing also serves two very important purposes in Amazon’s MMO. Yo...

Rawhide is a basic crafting material and an important core resource in New World. And if you’re trying to craft a full set of gear, or just trying to upgrade your level in Leatherworking, you’r...

When you reach level 60 in New World, you’ll officially unlock the endgame for Amazon’s MMO. At this point, the grind becomes all about acquiring the best gear with the highest Gear Score pos...