Vrai Kaiser
Vrai Kaiser
Vrai Kaiser is a tired trans media critic who likes vampires, queer shit, and bad movies. Follow their freelance work on Twitter @writervrai or their study of trash media @trashpod.

This piece discusses suicide, transphobia, sexual assault, pedophilia, and rape apologism at length.

My favorite anime are the ones where I sit down every week and gleefully scream “what the fuck is this?!” at the top of my lungs. The sheer number of shows being made every season means that there are...

While Ascendance of a Bookworm has taken on the role of an isekai series with a well-realized fantasy world starring a heroine slowly working to bringing down the class system, My Next Lif...

While we’re currently smack-dab in the start of a new (and very promising) season of anime, sometimes committing to a new show when you don’t know how it will turn out can be a stressful thing. Fortun...

Anime and manga fans know better than to judge a series by its title, whether it’s one of those overly-literal mouthfuls like the fake-dating manga I Married My Best Friend Just to Shut My Parents...

In March 1999, The Matrix was released to critical acclaim and commercial success. A month later, David Cronenberg released eXistenZ. The film begins similarly to the Wa...

Capcom has been hitting it out of the park recently: the series-revitalizing Resident Evil 7 became their fifth-best selling game ever, the Resident Evil 2 remake has been getting dazzli...

This week, the stars and scouts go dark on another mobile game: Sailor Moon Drops, the title released to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the juggernaut magical girl franchise. Released in Jap...

Death Note might be the most 2000s thing ever made. The story, about a teen genius who finds a notebook that will let him kill people from afar and promptly develops a god complex, was an enorm...

Mods for famed farming sim Stardew Valley aren’t new — fans have added everything from lightsabers to Pokemon to the game. But a recent project by modder Thunderhead Fred goes a step beyon...

Listen, I love Yuri!!! On ICE. Sayo Yamamoto is one of the single most talented directors working in anime right now, and literally anything that gets her more attention is something I can get...

Just about every Good Omens fan has a story about a copy (or two) that was lent out and never returned as a point of pride. And the book’s struggle to make it to adaptation are nearly as legend...

“Is it love or desire?” This question winds its way through SARAZANMAI, the most recent work of famed anime director Kunihiko Ikuhara (Revolutionary Girl Utena). On its most basic level,...