Final Fantasy XIV News

It’s really happening, isn’t it? As we enter December, there’s a new holiday incoming, as Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is set to release into early access on December 3. The rest get to join in...

It’s that time of year again in Final Fantasy XIV; the usual set of seasonal celebrations come and go at the end of the year, and the beginning of a new, with back-to-back launches as we enjo...

On May 19, it was announced that Kentaro Miura — the beloved mangaka of Berserk — passed away on May 6, 2021. He died at the age of 54 due to acute aortic dissection. Fans around the world im...

The big-ticket news out of the latest Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter for the Producer is that the Endwalker expansion has been delayed from November 19 (early access) and November 23....

On February 5, the Final Fantasy XIV team held the 2021 Announcement Showcase. While many things were revealed (and thus many things made me get emotional), it was dedicated to revealing ...

Yesterday, my copy of The Ultimate Final Fantasy XIV Cookbook was delivered. I expected a romp of the delectable delights of Hydaelyn, from the savory feasts of Limsa Lominsa to the spicy dishe...

Just last month, I wrote about Final Fantasy XIV‘s English localization team going viral over their sense of humor for the umpteenth time. They’re clearly the kind of team composed o...

The Final Fantasy XIV localization team is known for being one of the most impressive localization teams in the games industry. Among the reasons why the localization team is so beloved among...

Final Fantasy XIV‘s next story patch, titled “Reflections in Crystal,” has been announced. It was officially revealed in the latest Letter from the Producer LIVE stream conducted by director...

FFXIV Patch 5.2 shows no signs of slowing the high momentum the MMO has enjoyed since the launch of Shadowbringers. In addition to more raids and story content (plus a callback to th...

Hot off the coattails of the wildly popular 5.1 patch, the developers of Final Fantasy XIV have been hard at work preparing for the next major patch update. The new FFXIV patch 5.2 update, called “Ech...

Nobody expects every major game to go over smoothly! Bugs and glitches, while best avoided, are like common colds. They’re kind of a part of a life, and we just do our best. However, in Final Fant...

If Shadowbringers didn’t prove well enough that Final Fantasy XIV is alive and kicking, then the MMORPG’s upcoming patch should double down on that fact. Today, in the team’s 45th “Letter Fro...

Halloween is quickly approaching in all the land of Eorzea, and now Square Enix have announced the events that will take place in Final Fantasy XIV. Once again, All Saints’ Wake is returning, with a n...

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn players have a new opportunity to earn some dope mounts and cute earrings next week, when the Moogle Treasure Trove event returns on Monday, Sept. 30 at 1 a....

Patch 5.1 for FF14: Shadowbringers is probably the most anticipated new addition to the latest Final Fantasy expansion. Dubbed “Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty,” it looks quite a lo...

During Final Fantasy XIV’s Live Letter 77, director and producer Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida, alongside community producer Toshio “Foxclon” Murouchi, showcased the many new additions th...

While not entirely a surprise considering there is usually a Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter at Fan Fest, Square Enix has confirmed the date for the next Letter from the Producer Live, which wi...

While many places in Final Fantasy XIV hold references to the game’s lore, they are also telling the daily tales of the regular citizens of Eorzea. It’s quite difficult to get a grasp of thes...

Final Fantasy XIV suspended its automatic demolition policy for inactive estates on December 5 last year, around the time of the launch of Endwalker. Well, it’s going back into effect...