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Broadcaster, MMA commentator, actress, and fitness professional Phoenix Carnevale joins Fernanda to talk about her history in martial arts, the challenge of getting a short interview right, being a wo...

In episode 30 of the show, MMA pioneer Julie Kedzie joins Fernanda to talk about her retirement from the octagon, her current life commentating for Invicta MMA, her experiences in grad school, who bel...

On Episode 20, UFC Commentator John Gooden joins Fernanda to discuss Petr Yan’s disqualification at UFC 259, the expensive life of an Iron Man, and more. [Note: A small portion of the interview had to...

In episode thirteen of the show, UFC anchor Karyn Bryant joins Fernanda to talk about life behind the desk and in front of the camera. You can listen here or check out the embed below!

After several outlets reported the first appearance of a new Ghostbusters ghost (who will appear in the upcoming Ghostbusters: Afterlife) in an episode of MasterChef Junior: Spain, M...

In a sea of casual fun-lovers, there are progression raiders honing their craft in Final Fantasy XIV. They might cry out for more Extreme, Savage, and Ultimate content to clear, but they do e...

Patch 6.05 for Final Fantasy XIV is now live, and with it comes a number of exciting additions and notable changes. Aside from new ways to earn high-end gear with Tomestones of Astronomy and...

It’s time for another Final Fantasy XIV patch! The game was offline for all players for a maintenance period that started on January 3 at 9 p.m. PT and ended January...

We, the editorial staff of, stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine against apartheid, genocide, and oppression. We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and the Palest...

The Nintendo Switch eShop is predictably popular on Christmas Day, and it’s left the service inaccessible for most of December 25. Some players are reporting problems redeeming gift cards, downloading...