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One of the main parts of Pokemon is the never-ending hunt for Shiny Pokemon. If you’re new to the franchise, Shiny Pokemon have different colors than their basic counterparts — for example, a...

There are a ton of legendaries to find in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. In fact, aside from the box legendaries Dialga and Palkia and the event Pokemon Shaymin and Darkrai, there are 14 legendarie...

If you’re a completionist, you’ll be happy to know that maxing out your Pokedex isn’t the only thing to do in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Upon unlocking the Unown Dex, you’ll be asked to find 28...

No Pokemon game is complete without the collection of Eevee and their evolutions, and Pokemon Legends: Arceus is no different. Normally a Pokemon that is fairly rare, Eevee in recent...

Within the same day, two indie games were subject to their game’s likeness being used by someone else. Outerverse’s assets were used in an NFT scam, and Unpacking was...

Kind of out of nowhere, Blizzard Entertainment today tweeted an announcement of a new survival game set in a brand new Blizzard universe, which they are still inexplicably calling Unannounced Survival...

[UPDATE: FFXIV maintenance has finished and the game is back online. This story has been updated to reflect this. You can check out our Patch 6.08 breakdown for more detailed info...

Most game developers just aren’t into NFTs. According to a new GDC survey, a whole 1% of them are working on their own NFT projects right now. There’s still another 7% there to be worried about...

The story of Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and Final Fantasy XIV is still unfinished. The father of the franchise first started playing the game in late Septembe...

The Wall Street Journal has posted an extensive report about Activision-Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick, specifically how he has, to some extent, been involved with or aware of various cases of harassment a...

In the midst of Activision-Blizzard’s ongoing legal trouble following a California lawsuit for harassment and discrimination in its workplace culture, Microsoft is buying the Call of Duty

Let’s be honest, Krile is the most useless primary member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Tataru isn’t combat-ready, but she slings a mean coin and gets things done. Krile is around because of her...

Final Fantasy XIV has truly suffered from success recently. Square Enix literally halted sales due to server congestion from too many people wanting to play the game. The meme’d out free tria...

Ready to feel the sweet sting of being killed by a bunch of campers by the Metro Royale exit again? If you just can’t wait to lose all your hard-earned loot as you attempt to cross the finish line, yo...

Final Fantasy XIV is constantly evolving from a gameplay perspective, as evident through the several changes to various Jobs in Patch 6.05. This latest update brought a number of adjustments...

Every year, Twitter coalesces all the data and identifiable gaming discussion of the year and puts it in everyone’s favorite form: data.

Dying Light 2 is probably a pretty long game. Over the weekend, developer Techland wanted to emphasize how long it could be by proclaiming that it would take around 500 hours to do everything...

I’m an off-again, on-again No Man’s Sky player. The game is kinda built for that. Massive new updates hit the cosmic journey sim what seems like every other week. This often leads me to boot...

Every week in her Good Form column, Natalie Weiner explores the ways in which the sports world’s structural inequalities and injustices illuminate those outside it — and the ways i...