Fallout 76

Fallout 76 is widely regarded as a game with a disastrous launch followed by some level of a redemption arc (largely thanks to a community that made the best of a bad situation). Thanks...

Backpacks have always been a cosmetic favorite of the Fallout community, as it adds a nice visual touche to any Vault Dweller. Thankfully, unlike the previous games where this item was modded in, back...

There is a lot of gear you can horde, wear, and use in Bethesda’s Fallout 76. While most of it is junk that you will either turn into scrap or toss aside eventually, other items might be wort...

So you’ve exited Vault 76 for the first time and stepped out into the wilds of Appalachia. This can be quite an intimidating moment, as Fallout 76’s world is brutal and unforgiving at times,...

The latest major content drop for Bethesda’s Fallout 76 is finally here. Bringing actual, living human NPCs to the irradiated lands of the Appalachia, the Wastelanders DLC introduces a number...

Fallout 76’s biggest update has arrived and it’s introducing actual human NPC into the game. Revolving around a hidden treasure and warring factions, this patch also includes a bow as a new w...

The crowd watches on as two warriors square up to fight in the makeshift ring. The ropes are built out of wooden fences and the mat is comprised of a collection of dirty mattresses stacked in rows. A...

Roaming the Appalachian wasteland, Mr Fuzzy in tow, Diechan132 cuts an unusual figure. It’s not every day, for instance, that you see a person taking a 500-pound yao guai out for a walk like they’re a...

In many ways, Fallout 76 is what you’d expect after playing the last Bethesda games in the series. However, both SPECIAL and perks have changed quite a bit. There are now perk card packs and ca...

Vault-Tec has charged the inhabitants of Fallout 76 with re-colonizing West Virginia. That’s not the easiest task, considering the state of things. Towns are littered with the remains of those who did...

I played Fallout 3 on PC. For New Vegas I was on Xbox. Same for Fallout 4. But for Fallout 76 I’ve returned to PC. Despite playing on the platform before was I utte...

Fallout 76 has to be one of Bethesda’s buggiest games yet. And that’s saying something (just look up the PS3 version of Skyrim). While not every glitch is completely game-breaking,&n...

Fallout 76 isn’t the easiest game to play. Not because of the game’s difficulty, but because of some interesting design choices and slew of bugs—all of which are outlined in this...

Fallout 76 has unleashed its megaton havoc on the internet at large and for most players, this bleak Appalachian landscape might seem nearly as alien as the moon. For me, however, this is a u...

Ever since Fallout 76 first released in beta, controversy has never been far away. From self-deleting game files to nylon bags and accessible dev rooms, the game quickly became the internet’s p...

Despite its troubled launch and ongoing issues, Fallout 76 has managed to develop a passionate community of fans and players. From murder mystery nights to fight clubs, there’s alwa...