Destiny 2

Burst-fire pulse rifles have remained towards the top of the Destiny 2 meta for years while virtually every other weapon type has ebbed and waned. A flexible blend of range and rate-o...

PVP in Destiny 2 can sometimes feel overwhelming if you're unprepared. It's competitive out there, so picking a great set of weapons is the first step towards success and maybe even earning a f...

Originally implemented during Destiny 2’s Season of the Witch in late 2023, Checkmate is a hardcore Crucible modifier that emphasizes gunplay over all of the space magic wielded by Gu...

In Destiny 2, players can complete Lost Sectors at any time. However, the Legend and Master versions are only available on a rotation — but to access the Legend and Master versions of a Lost Se...

The Ascendant Alloy consumable was introduced in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen era as part of the weapon crafting system. At the Relic in the Enclave on Mars, players can shape and...

Anyone who’s looking to optimize their Destiny 2 character has to spend countless hours hunting down the best gear, but even great stats on a piece of armor is hardly useful unless it’s fu...

Season of the Wish returns some of Destiny 2: Forsaken's destinations, activities, characters, and the cats. Yeah, remember those cat statues you could give rice cakes to around the Dreaming Ci...

Destiny 2 Season of the Wish’s ongoing weekly questline begins right after you finish the Final Wish mission and mini-quest that opens the season. Mara Sov and her Techeuns were successful...

One of the most frustrating modifiers in Destiny 2 history is about to get a much-needed nerf, and it's particularly timely considering how frequently it pops up in Season of the Wish activitie...

Destiny 2 has been putting out a large expansion annually, as well as roughly quarterly seasonal releases for the past few years. This year, we have the Lightfall e...

Venturing into the most dangerous parts of the galaxy to face the fiercest monsters and mobs of enemies requires skill, courage, and a wise selection of weapons. DPS, crowd control, AOE damage, and ev...

Despite all of the space magic in Destiny 2, most of the guns feel pretty familiar to anybody with experience playing first-person shooters. Hand cannons are heavy-hitting handguns, pulse...

Combat bows in Destiny 2 are all about precision and timing. They reward accurate fire with steady damage, and in the right hands can clear a room of enemies or devastate a single hard target....

With new seasonal and event weapons constantly being introduced in Destiny 2, one may wonder why weapons from the early years are less prominent. Generally, the newest weapons are less common a...

Titans are notoriously known for punching and melee ability shenanigans, and while that power fantasy still holds true in Destiny 2, it’s not the same as it once was with things like the B...

Though scout rifles are hardly considered great in the current Destiny 2 meta, in the hands of a precise player, they can be a strong option across all types of content. Though some do hav...
Warlocks have seen a very good year for surprisingly big buffs to their Exotics in Destiny 2! Some old standards made it onto the list, but as a Warlock-main for the most part, I think there ar...

Season of the Wish, the last season before Destiny 2: The Final Shape, is all about Ahamkaras, the functionally extinct wish dragons crucial to the game’s lore. Players will spend much of...

Starcrossed is the Exotic mission that rewards the Wish-Keeper bow in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish.

Fast and deadly, the Hunter is Destiny 2’s best class for expert marksmen who favor speed and agility over more conservative gameplay. The various pieces of Exotic armor available to...