This isn’t a cartoon, but things are getting animated! This guide will cover Animated Weapons, the Relic Weapons introduced in the Heavensward expansion of Final Fantasy XIV. This will be a lengthy process, with more steps than the Zodiac Weapons. The journey has several phases, each offering a new version of the weapon, ending at the Lux form. None of these weapons are best-in-slot anymore, so you’re purely doing this for your own satisfaction. If you’re looking for another phase, you can head back to the primary guide for the Anima Relic Weapon questline.
How to Unlock Your Animated Relic Weapon
This new adventure requires a quest in order to kick everything off. “An Unexpected Proposal” is available from Rowena in Idyllshire (X: 5.7, Y: 5.5). In order to access this quest, you need to have completed the Heavensward main scenario quest “Heavensward” and leveled the requisite Job up to Level 60. There is no version of this quest for Dancer, Gunbreaker, Sage, or Reaper, because those jobs do not have Anima Relic Weapons.
Rowena will send you to Ardashir in Azys Lla. Much like Hyrstmill during the Zodiac Relic Weapon quests, this will become your main port of call for most of this process, so get used to teleporting to the nearby Aetheryte.
Soul Without Life – The First Anima Relic Weapon
Ardashir in Azys Lla (X: 7.4, Y: 11.5) will offer you a quest called “Soul Without Life.” This is the first step toward your Anima Relic Weapon, and there are two different paths here. Ardashir will send you to speak to Syndony in Mor Dhona (X: 22.6 Y: 5.8). She will give you two items you need for Ardashir’s quest, but only if you give her something first. For subsequent Anima Relics, you simply have to start with “Soul Without Life.”
Option 1: Zodiac Zeta Weapon
This option has you giving Syndony your completed Zodiac Zeta Weapon. She’ll give you an Astral Nodule and Umbral Nodule in return. In order for this path to work, you need to complete every step of the A Realm Reborn Relic Weapon quest.
Make sure you have completed the quest “The Vital Title” from Jalzahn at Hyrstmill in North Shroud (X: 29.5, Y: 19.6). Also, grab any Zodiac Relic Weapon replicas from Drake in Hyrstmill in North Shroud (X: 30.3, Y: 20.1), as the unlock process for them requires having the finished Zodiac Zeta Weapon in your inventory.
Option 2: Crystal Farming
Alternatively, you can farm several crystals for Syndony. She will give you the item you need for a certain number of Crystals, all of which can be gained from FATEs in Heavensward zones. Syndony will give you the Astral Nodule in trade for a Luminous Wind Crystal, a Luminous Fire Crystal, and a Luminous Lightning Crystal. She’ll reward you with an Umbral Nodule for a Luminous Ice Crystal, a Luminous Earth Crystal, and a Luminous Water Crystal.
You’ll get the Crystal from FATEs in specific zones.
- The Sea of Clouds: Luminous Wind Crystal
- Azys Lla: Luminous Fire Crystal
- The Churning Mists: Luminous Lightning Crystal
- Coerthas Western Highlands: Luminous Ice Crystal
- The Dravanian Forelands: Luminous Earth Crystal
- The Dravanian Hinterlands: Luminous Water Crystal
You need to get a Gold rating from the FATE in order to have a chance to gain a Luminous Crystal. This used to be a longer process, but the drop rate is pretty decent these days. Once you have the two Nodules, return to Ardashir, who will reward you with your first Animated Relic Weapon!