Once players reach high levels with crafting classes in Final Fantasy XIV, they inevitably start dealing with Collectables and looking for Purple Scrips. This special currency is for end-game crafting, and learning how to farm Purple Crafters’ Scrips effectively is key to maintaining your career in the crafting world of FFXIV.
While leveling up crafters in FFXIV is already a challenge, players need to take the most out of each class to face the end-game. Learning the right rotation for each craft is important, but beyond that, players need money to keep up with the production and buying the right items with Purple Scrips is a solid method when it comes to filling your pockets with gil.
What are Purple Scrips in FFXIV?
The Purple Scrips are a special currency accessible only to players who have unlocked the Collectable system. For players to earn Purple Scrips, they need to make and deliver Collectables, a unique category of items that require high-level gearsets and the best rotation of skills. Players can exchange these scrips for pieces of equipment, materials for recipes, and materia.

How to Farm Purple Scrips in FFXIV
As mentioned, players exchange Collectables crafted by them for Purple Scrips. The two main sources of Purple Scrips that players have access to are the Collectable Appraiser NPCs and the Custom Delivery NPCs. Although other quests reward players by giving them these scrips, they aren’t effective sources because they are one-time delivery quests, such as the Crystarium and Studium deliveries.
When it comes to Custom Deliveries, players need to turn in the Collectable requested by the NPC. There is a weekly limit of deliveries you can make. Even so, players should take advantage of this system to farm Purple Scrips. You can gain anywhere from 94 to 133 Purple Scrips per delivery, depending on the collectability of the item.

Since players can’t use the Custom Delivery system as many times as they want, they need to focus on the Collectable Appraisers. These NPCs offer from 120 to 144 Purple Scrips per Collectable depending on their collectability. The biggest benefit of focusing on turning in items to the Collectable Appraisers is that there isn’t a limit, making it one of the main activities of crafters in the end-game.
The Collectable Appraiser NPCs are found in the following locations:
- Radz-at-Han - X: 11.7, Y: 9.8
- Eulmore - X: 11.6, Y: 10.8
- Rhalgr’s Reach - X: 9.8, Y: 12.5
- Idyllshire - X: 5.7, Y: 7
- Mor Dhona - X: 22.4, Y: 6.7
- Ul’dah (Sapphire Avenue Exchange) - X: 14.2, Y: 10.9
- Gridania (Old Gridania) - X: 14.1, Y: 9.1
- Limsa Lominsa (Lower Decks) - X: 6.1, Y: 12
How to Get Purple Scrips Fast in FFXIV
While all the options listed in this guide for gaining Purple Scrips are valid, some are more effective than others. Specifically talking about delivering items to the Collectable Appraiser, not all items are worth the time and the money spent considering the quantity of Purple Scrips players earn by turning them in. If players want to farm Purple Scrips fast in Patch 6.5, they should focus on crafting Rarefied Sykon Bavarois, the Collectable only the Culinarian can make.

There are two reasons why delivering Rarefied Sykon Bavarois is the fastest way to get Purple Scrips. First, this is an easy recipe to craft, having only one of the four materials crafted from other materials. The second reason is the cost to craft Rarefied Sykon Bavarois in comparison with all the other options. Based on the values found in the Universalis, this is not an expensive recipe. At the same time, it’s easy to collect a couple of the materials using the Botanist or through Retainer’s ventures.
Macro for Rarefied Sykon Bavarois
Below is the macro for the Rarefied Sykon Bavarois, generated by Teamcraft. This macro assumes that you have a full pentamelded crafting gearset, and uses the Tsai tou Vounau tea. This macro has been tested by Fanbyte writers and is confirmed to work.
- Required Craftsmanship: 4059
- Required Control: 3971
- Required CP (before tea): 604
/micon Culinarian classjob
/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Groundwork" <wait.3>
/ac "Master's Mend" <wait.3>
/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>
/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Innovation" <wait.2>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>
/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>
/ac "Groundwork" <wait.3>
/echo Macro #1 complete <se.14>
What to Spend Purple Scrips on in FFXIV
As players consistently complete Custom Deliveries and turn in items to Collectable Appraisers to farm Purple Scrips, they will eventually have enough of these to start spending them to make money in FFXIV. By talking to the Scrip Exchange NPC, who is always near the Collectable Appraiser, players can choose to exchange Purple Scrips for items that fall into three categories: Gear, Materials, or Materia.

The best option to spend Purple Scrips on is materia and materials used in high-end crafting recipes such as food and tinctures. By spending their scrips on materia, players safely guarantee that they will earn money since there is always a demand. To check to see which materials you should buy to sell, head to Universalis to check what the market prices look like on your server. Most players will pick up the Dark Eggplant since it's currently used in high-end raid food in Patch 6.5