FFXIV: How To Obtain and Use Grade 8 Dark Matter For Repair

The darkest matter to date is available in FFXIV, but what is it used for?

As you journey throughout Etheirys and beyond in Final Fantasy XIV, your gear is going to take a beating. Eventually, the durability will drop out of the bottom, making that gear entirely useless. That means you need to repair your gear to stay in top shape.

Most players simply pay a Mender in various cities and towns in order to keep their gear in workable order. That said, there’s also another, potentially cheaper option available to those who have leveled a Disciple of the Hand. That option is repairing the gear yourself.

FFXIV Repair

How To Repair Your Gear

Repairing gear does have certain requirements, but if you’re willing to go this route, you gain the ability to keep your gear up without heading back to town. Each of the Hand jobs—Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian—can repair a certain class of gear. As an example, if you’re a Dark Knight, Blacksmith and Armorer are the Jobs that are useful to repair your primary gear. Accessories are the domain of the Goldsmith.

To repair your gear, you have to open the repair menu. This can be done by right-clicking on any gear whose durability is less than 100%. This menu will allow you to see all repairable gear, with drop downs for Equipped gear, items in your Inventory, or gear in your Armoury Chest. It will also show you the cost of gear repair, which requires a different Grade of Dark Matter depending on the item’s level.

Grade 1 Dark Matter can be used to repair gear that is Level 1-10, while Grade 2 Dark Matter can be used to repair gear from Level 1-20. At the top end is Grade 8 Dark Matter, which can be used to repair any piece of gear from Level 1-90.

FFXIV Grade 8 Dark Matter Vendor

How To Obtain Grade 8 Dark Matter

So how do you get Grade 8 Dark Matter? The first method is to buy them with Grand Company Seals. Each Grade 8 Dark Matter costs 600 Grand Company Seals. They come from your respective quartermaster, depending on the Grand Company you chose:

  • Storm Quartermaster in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X: 13.1, Y: 12.7)
  • Serpent Quartermaster in New Gridania (X: 9.8, Y: 11.0)
  • Flame Quartermaster in Ul’dah – Steps of Nald (X: 8.3, Y: 9.0)

The second method is for all you PVP players out there. You can purchase Grade 8 Dark Matter for Wolf Marks from the Mark Quartermaster in Wolves’ Den Pier (X: 4.4, Y: 6.0). This is somewhat cheaper per item than Grand Company Seals, but Seals are much easier to obtain.

The final method is to buy Grade 8 Dark Matter outright. There are a host of vendors around Eorzea that’ll sell you the item for a clear 280 gil. The full list of vendors is below:

Merchant & MenderLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:3.2, Y: 12.8)
UnsynraelLimsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:6.0, Y: 12.3)
Apartment MerchantTopmast Apartment Lobby (X:6.1, Y: 6.0)
Apartment MerchantLily Hills Apartment Lobby (X:6.1, Y: 6.0)
AlaricOld Gridania (X: 14.3,, Y:  8.8)
Apartment MerchantSultana’s Breath Apartment Lobby (X: 6.1,, Y:  6.0)
Haneko BurnekoThe Waking Sands (X: 6.2,, Y:  4.9)
NanabeUl’dah – Steps of Thal (X: 14.2, Y:  11.0)
DenysFoundation (X: 8.0, Y: 10.0)
JunkmongerIngleside Apartment Lobby (X:6.1, Y: 5.9)
AnnaThe Firmament (X: 14.2, Y: 12.6)
DianaThe Firmament (X:9.8, Y: 8.4)
EilonwyThe Firmament (X: 12.2, Y: 14.2)
SpannerThe Firmament (X:9.8, Y: 14.6)
MenderThe Diadem (X: 8.6, Y: 18.7)
Merchant & MenderThe Diadem (X:8.6, Y: 18.7)
Merchant & MenderThe Diadem (X: 8.6, Y: 18.7)
JunkmongerIdyllshire (X:6.0, Y: 7.2)
Independent MerchantRhalgr’s Reach (X: 12.7, Y: 11.0)
Blessed MerchantThe Fringes (X:27.0, Y: 19.8)
Merchant & MenderThe Fringes (X: 8.7, Y: 10.9)
Tribe MerchantThe Fringes (X:30.6, Y: 25.9)
Independent MerchantThe Lochs (X: 10.5, Y: 21.3)
Local MerchantThe Lochs (X:34.1, Y: 34.3)
Independent MerchantThe Peaks (X: 24.6, Y: 5.7)
Independent MerchantThe Peaks (X:16.5, Y: 36.5)
Merchant & MenderThe Peaks (X: 27.7, Y: 29.0)
Merchant & MenderThe Peaks (X:27.0, Y: 36.7)
Merchant & MenderThe Peaks (X: 19.6, Y: 11.0)
Dotharli Merchant & MenderThe Azim Steppe (X:11.8, Y: 33.5)
Mol Merchant & MenderThe Azim Steppe (X: 31.2, Y: 11.3)
Oroniri MerchantThe Azim Steppe (X:23.4, Y: 21.9)
Traveling MerchantThe Azim Steppe (X: 32.5, Y: 28.9)
Enclave MerchantThe Ruby Sea (X:21.0, Y: 20.4)
Hingan Merchant & MenderThe Ruby Sea (X: 38.8, Y: 37.7)
Independent MerchantThe Ruby Sea (X:23.3, Y: 9.2)
Merchant & MenderThe Ruby Sea (X: 31.4, Y: 36.6)
Village Merchant & MenderThe Ruby Sea (X:5.9, Y: 11.4)
Independent MerchantYanxia (X: 24.8, Y: 13.0)
Merchant & MenderYanxia (X:15.7, Y: 31.2)
Village MerchantYanxia (X: 30.2, Y: 18.1)
Apartment MerchantKobai Goten Apartment Lobby (X:6.1, Y: 6.0)
TokohanaKugane (X: 12.9, Y: 12.2)
Resistance ProvisionerBozjan Southern Front (X:14.6, Y: 30.6)
Expedition ProvisionerEureka Anemos (X: 19.0, Y: 32.1)
Expedition ProvisionerEureka Hydatos (X:19.8, Y: 13.9)
Expedition ProvisionerEureka Pagos (X:4.1, Y: 24.3)
Expedition ProvisionerEureka Pyros (X: 16.7, Y: 23.8)
Resistance ProvisionerZadnor (X: 35.8, Y: 34.2)
Merchant & MenderAmh Araeng (X: 10.8, Y: 16.7)
Mord JunkmongerAmh Araeng (X: 12.7, Y: 9.8)
Shan SanAmh Araeng (X: 27.1, Y: 15.7)
DaddenEulmore (X: 11.8, Y: 11.4)
Aenc OseIl Mheg (X: 16.5, Y: 33.8)
Pixie HoarderIl Mheg (X: 14.8, Y: 32.2)
Ys GyufIl Mheg (X: 19.7, Y: 4.1)
Local MerchantKholusia (X: 34.5, Y: 27.4)
Local MerchantKholusia (X: 15.2, Y: 28.8)
Tholl JunkmongerKholusia (X: 11.9, Y: 8.8)
Arms SupplierLakeland (X: 5.7, Y: 16.9)
Arms Supplier & MenderLakeland (X: 18.6, Y: 18.8)
Merchant & MenderLakeland (X: 35.7, Y: 20.5)
Merchant & MenderLakeland (X: 18.9, Y: 35.6)
MizuttLakeland (X: 9.4, Y: 13.1)
AndiaThe Crystarium (X: 9.4, Y: 12.3)
JasfortThe Crystarium (X: 9.7, Y: 9.4)
Local MerchantThe Rak’tika Greatwood (X: 27.7, Y: 18.0)
Yuqurl ManlThe Rak’tika Greatwood (X: 37.3, Y: 17.1)
Bureau ProvisionerThe Tempest (X: 21.7, Y: 26.4)
Merchant & MenderThe Endeavor (X: 6.1, Y: 6.1)
JunkmongerLabyrinthos (X: 21.0, Y: 6.8)
JunkmongerLabyrinthos (X: 29.8, Y: 12.8)
JunkmongerLabyrinthos (X: 22.0, Y: 19.9)
JunkmongerLabyrinthos (X: 20.9, Y: 33.6)
JunkmongerLabyrinthos (X: 6.2, Y: 27.4)
SynnoveOld Sharlayan (X: 12.8, Y: 10.3)
UnskynwybOld Sharlayan (X: 4.9, Y: 9.3)
JunkmongerGarlemald (X: 12.8, Y: 30.4)
JunkmongerGarlemald (X: 31.3, Y: 17.4)
FahruvvetRadz-at-Han (X: 12.0, Y: 9.7)
GhantaThavnair (X: 20.4, Y: 28.4)
JunkmongerThavnair (X: 24.8, Y: 34.1)
JunkmongerThavnair (X: 10.2, Y: 23.2)
JunkmongerThavnair (X: 29.4, Y: 17.1)
CoiningwayMare Lamentorum (X: 17.4, Y: 15.8)
JunkmongerMare Lamentorum (X: 21.0, Y: 12.2)
Pillar Of IndustryMare Lamentorum (X: 12.9, Y: 32.7)
Merchant & MenderUltima Thule (X: 30.8, Y: 28.0)
N-0598Ultima Thule (X: 27.7, Y: 24.7)
Provisions NodeUltima Thule (X: 14.1, Y: 33.8)
JunkmongerElpis (X: 24.2, Y: 24.7)
JunkmongerElpis (X: 9.5, Y: 32.3)
JunkmongerElpis (X: 10.1, Y: 16.7)

Once you have the Grade 8 Dark Matter, repairing any get will automatically consume the item. At higher levels of durability, Grade 8 Dark Matter isn’t as worth it, but as your gear gets down to 40% or lower, it becomes a much better option. In addition, as we stated before you can require anywhere, including inside dungeons and raids. That’s great, especially if you’re progression raiding. Happy repairing!

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