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Anden III Horn Overview


When blown, this sheep's horn emits a muted (and somewhat confused) sound that brings Anden III rustling to your side.


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A Labor of LeafIl Mheg80

As we wait for the next major patch in Final Fantasy XIV, there’s a lot you can still get done. Now is the time to dig deep in your backlog of tasks to pick up some of the smaller items. Now is the time to get knuckle down on Relic Weapons, Tribal Quests, and Wondrous Tails.

This means it’s also the time to start picking up some additional mounts. One of those mounts is the lovable leafman Anden III. If you want to soar the skies on this shrubbery, then this guide will help you out.

How To Unlock the Anden III Mount in FFXIV

If you want the Anden III mount, then you need to partake in the Anden Custom Deliveries. The mount comes as a reward for reaching the maximum Satisfaction Level with the leafman. Once you’ve reached Satisfaction Level 5, you’ll be given the mount and the nifty Leafman helm. It’s really that easy. But how do you start on those Custom Deliveries?

FFXIV Custom Deliveries Anden Unlock

How To Unlock Anden Custom Deliveries in FFXIV

You’ll want to grab the quest “That’s So Anden” from the Supplicant Sheep in The Crystarium (X: 9.3, Y: 11.3). If you’ve happened to forget, The Crystarium is all the way over in the First, the world of the Shadowbringers expansion.

You can complete a total of 12 custom deliveries per week. However, you can only perform six Anden Custom Deliveries at a time. Any turn-ins will award you with Gil, EXP, as well as Crafters’ Scrips or Gatherers’ Scrips. Completing custom deliveries will also raise Anden’s satisfaction level. There is also an additional quest you can unlock once you reach satisfaction level 5.

For crafters, the Custom Deliveries’ recipes can of course be found in the “Custom Deliveries” tab of your Special Recipes in your Crafting Log. Find it under the Logs menu! You can turn any of these collectables into Anden over in Il Mheg (X: 16.6, Y: 33.8) once you’ve finished the initial questline.

You will get a warning if your turn-ins will cause you to cap out on Crafters’ Scrips or Gatherers’ Scrips. You absolutely don’t want to let this happen. Thankfully, you can cash scrips in at Lor Ul, the nearby Scrip Exchange NPC in Il Mheg (X: 16.5, Y: 13.9).

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