Destiny 2 Bright Dust Guide - How to Get Bright Dust

Destiny 2 can be an overwhelming experience for those who are either new or returning after a long hiatus. With so many updates, expansions, seasons, and items added in, one can easily find themselves lost in what they have to do. There are a lot of currencies in this game, but one of the most important is Bright Dust. This item allows players to purchase cosmetics from the in-game store without spending any real money. Given you’ll want eventually customize your Guardian’s appearance, earning Bright Dust is key. Here’s every method for getting Bright Dust in Destiny 2:

Destiny 2 Bright Dust

How to Get Bright Dust

Thankfully, there are several different ways to earn Bright Dust in Destiny 2. Before we breakdown the best methods for obtaining and farming this material, here’s a quick overview of how to get it:

  • Additional Vendor Bounties
  • Some Seasonal Challenges
  • Small, Medium, and Large Gifts of Bright Dust
  • Season Pass Ranks
  • Seasonal Challenges
  • Weekly Event Bounties

When it comes to getting a lot of Bright Dust, your best method is completing certain Seasonal Challenges. Tied to the season pass, new challenges unlock each week for players to complete. While they all reward a large amount of experience, some of these challenges offer additional rewards such as weapons, seasonal items, and Bright Dust. You can see which challenge rewards Bright Dust by highlighting a challenge with your cursor and then looking at what’s listed under “Rewards.” If you see Bright Dust as a reward, then you’ll know that completing it guarantees you some of this currency.

The amount you earn depends on if the challenge is labeled as XP+ (75 Bright Dust), XP++ (150 Bright Dust), or XP+++ (300 Bright Dust). You’ll also want to prioritize the Bright Dust challenges since the store rotates what you can buy with this currency weekly. It’s the best source for getting a large amount of Bright Dust quickly, however, once you complete a challenge it cannot be done again on another character.

Destiny 2 Bright Dust

For a continuous source of Bright Dust, make sure to snag some repeatable vendor bounties. These are the bounties labeled “Additional” and will reward 10 Bright Dust upon completion. Even though that doesn’t seem like a lot, it can add up if you keep picking them up. Some of the best repeatable bounties are tied to the Crucible, Europa, and the Moon. If you’re hurting for Bright Dust, make sure to snag some of these bounties before you complete your Pinnacle or Power activities for the week.

Finally, you’ll want to ensure you reach Season Pass rank 100 before the season ends. You can earn a lot of Bright Dust by hitting specific ranks. For example, hitting Rank 100 rewards a staggering 2,000 Bright Dust. This makes finishing your Season Pass crucial for those who want to purchase cosmetic items from the store. Weekly Event Bounties are also decent for obtaining Bright Dust, but these bounties are only available during seasonal events like Festival of the Lost, The Dawning, or Moments of Triumph.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.