Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Loot Table – Armor, Weapons, Deepsights

The loot table for each encounter in the Vow of the Disciple raid and how to get Deepsight versions.

Savathun is finally here, which means Destiny 2’s highly anticipated expansion has been released. The Witch Queen has players finally confront one of the franchise’s most popular villains in her own throne world. Not only is this DLC introducing a new story, but there are also a ton of new weapons, armor, exotics, consumables, and activities for players to participate in. The Witch Queen also marks the release of the Void 3.0 update, which drastically reworks the void subclass and new exotics to build around.

There’s also the new Vow of the Disciple raid, which was released last weekend. Broken up across four separate core encounters, there are six new weapons, a full armor set for each class, and an exotic Pulse Rifle called Collective Obligation. Similar to previous PVE endgame activities, certain weapons are tied to specific encounters. This is even more important since players will want to earn the red-bordered Deepsight variants so they can make progress towards crafting a raid gun.

Here’s the loot table for each encounter in the Vow of the Disciple raid and how to get Deepsight versions.

Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Loot Table listing rewards for all four encounters
Click to enlarge. Image Credit: NietCool.

Vow of the Disciple Loot Table

This is a complete infographic of all possible rewards players can obtain from completing each encounter in the Vow of the Disciple raid. As a reminder, raid loot is limited to one drop per encounter, per class, per week unless it’s the weekly featured raid, in which case loot drops are uncapped and you can run it as many times as you want. Any hidden chests only reward weapons or armor pieces that you’ve obtained before.

Acquisition - 1st Encounter

Submission Submachine Gun

Submission Submachine Gun

Deliverance Fusion Rifle

Deliverance Fusion Rifle

Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle

Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Chest

Vow of the Disciple Chest

Vow of the Disciple Legs

Vow of the Disciple Legs

The Caretaker - 2nd Encounter

Submission Submachine Gun

Submission Submachine Gun

Insidious Pulse Rifle

Insidious Pulse Rifle

Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle

Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle

Forbearance Grenade Launcher

Forbearance Grenade Launcher

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Arms

Vow of the Disciple Arms

Vow of the Disciple Class Item

Vow of the Disciple Class Item

Exhibition - 3rd Encounter

Submission Submachine Gun

Submission Submachine Gun

Deliverance Fusion Rifle

Deliverance Fusion Rifle

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Chest

Vow of the Disciple Chest

Vow of the Disciple Legs

Vow of the Disciple Legs

Rhulk - 4th Encounter

Collective Obligation Pulse Rifle

Collective Obligation Pulse Rifle

Insidious Pulse Rifle

Insidious Pulse Rifle

Forbearance Grenade Launcher

Forbearance Grenade Launcher

Lubrae's Ruin Glaive

Lubrae's Ruin Glaive

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Helm

Vow of the Disciple Arms

Vow of the Disciple Arms

Vow of the Disciple Class Item

Vow of the Disciple Class Item

Vow of the Disciple Weapons

Vow of the Disciple has an exclusive loot pool of six legendary weapons, all of which are craftable and the Collective Obligation Pulse Rifle. 

Looking for god rolls? Click on the weapon names to be taken to those guides!






Destiny 2 Collective Obligation Icon.jpgCollective ObligationVoidPulse RifleNo
Destiny 2 Submission icon.jpgSubmissionKineticSubmachine GunYes
Destiny 2 Deliverance Icon.jpgDeliveranceStasisFusion RifleYes
Destiny 2 Cataclysmic Icon.jpgCataclysmicSolarLinear Fusion RifleYes
Destiny 2 Insidious Icon.jpgInsidiousArcPulse RifleYes
Destiny 2 Forbearance Icon.jpgForbearanceArcGrenade LauncherYes
Destiny 2 Lubraes Ruin Icon.jpgLubrae's RuinSolarGlaiveYes

Destiny 2 Witch Queen Neutral Element 2

How to Get Deepsight Raid Weapons

Of course, the most important type of weapon to get in the Vow of the Disciple raid are the Deepsight variants. Thankfully, there are a few ways to obtain one, including a guaranteed method tied to a secret puzzle.

The first way is to simply purchase one from the chest after defeating Rhulk. Costing 20 Spoils of Conquest, you can buy one Deepsight gun per account each week. Because of this, I recommend focusing on the gun you really want first. Keep in mind, you need to have previously unlocked that gun as an encounter reward. Otherwise, it won’t appear in the chest.

Alternatively, you can also earn these items as random drops from either the encounter chest or two secret chests hidden throughout the raid. The drop rate seems fairly low, so you cannot rely on this method to consistently get the exact Deepsight gun you want. Remember, any gun you buy after purchasing your Deepsight weapon will just be a normal gun. You cannot dump Spoils of Conquest endlessly into the chest to amass a lot of red-bar guns.

Finally, there’s a secret puzzle that can be completed on your account once a week. Detailed by Forbes’ writer Paul Tassi, this chest requires players to locate three hidden symbols among a little over a dozen scattered throughout the raid. What symbol you need to find is entirely random, but the locations of their corresponding symbol are not. Completing this puzzle will guarantee you get a random Deepsight weapon at the end of the raid.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.