Destiny 2 Bungie Friends Guide - How to Play With Friends via Crossplay

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost is here and we’re heading back to The Dreaming City. Acting as a prologue to The Witch Queen expansion, this season revolves around freeing Savathun from her worm god to save Osiris from her clutches. Along with a new seasonal activity, players can also obtain new armor, weapons, exotics, and in-game consumables. However, you are no longer restricted to just playing with your friends on a single platform, as crossplay has officially launched with Season of the Lost. This means, you can play with your friends regardless if they are on Xbox, PlayStation, or PC. Here’s how this new system works and how to play with your friends.

Destiny 2 Corssplay

How to Add Friends on Different Systems

When you log onto Destiny 2, go to your menu, and then select the “Roster” tab. From here, scroll down to the envelope symbol to bring up the crossplay invite and add system. You will see three columns and a search box above the “Fireteam Invites” tab. If you are looking to add someone on another system (or just in general!) type their unique Bungie name and four number code into the search bar. From here, the system will find your friend and allow you to add them to your friend’s list. Alternatively, if someone else sends you a friend request it will appear in the “Bungie Friend Request” column in the center.\

More Destiny 2 Season of the Lost:

A note, the game is currently freezing, crashing, or outright not recognizing names whenever you try to add someone to your friend’s list via the Bungie name search. This is most likely because the servers are overloaded with all the people trying to log onto the game. However, I suspect after a few days everything will level out and you should have no issues inviting or playing with friends on other platforms. There are no other restrictions for what content you can do with someone from another platform and they can even join your clan! So if you’ve been waiting to game with buddies on PC, PlayStation, or Xbox now is the time.

For those just hoping into Season of the Lost, you will have a decent size story quest to finish that introduces the different mechanics and currencies. This includes Parallax Trajectory, which is the main item you’ll need to gain new seasonal upgrades at the H.E.L.M. and decrypt Season of the Lost Umbral Engrams. Players can also obtain new Stasis Legendary weapons, which come with unique perks. Thankfully, they will not freeze opponents, but instead, provide different effects when killing a foe. There’s also a new seasonal exotic, the Lorentz Driver, which is a pretty scary Linear Fusion rifle in PVP. So if you are brand new or a veteran, there’s a good amount of content to sink your teeth into this season.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.