How to Get the Cloudstrike Catalyst in Destiny 2

Upgrade the Destiny 2 Cloudstrike sniper rifle with an all new catalyst.

There’s no official energy type in Destiny 2’s Season of the Seraph, but there is a new Arc armor set in Eververse. That said, Bungie still has a little treat in the form of a new catalyst for the Cloudstrike sniper rifle. In this guide, we tell you how to get the new Destiny 2 catalyst to drop and explain what it actually does.

How to Get the Cloudstrike Catalyst

You can obtain the Cloudstrike Catalyst by completing Destiny 2's playlist activities. That means Vanguard strikes (Nightfall or otherwise) and Gambit or Crucible matches give you a shot at getting it. It basically comes down to sheer luck, sadly. Keep in mind, you need to actually own the weapon itself to cause the catalyst to drop.

What Does the Cloudstrike Catalyst Do?

The Cloudstrike catalyst boosts Handling by 25 and adds the Triple Tap perk. With it, rapidly landing precision hits will return one round to the magazine. This obviously synergizes well with the intrinsic Mortal Polarity perk above, which causes all precision final blows to generate a lightning bolt at the target’s location. Land headshots, make bolts, return rounds to the magazine. Sounds fun!

Sadly, Masterworked weapons, even exotics, no longer generate Orbs of Power from multikills. Instead you need to equip one of the new Siphon mods to enable this.

How to Level up the Cloudstrike Catalyst

You can level up the Cloudstrike catalyst by eliminating 400 foes. There doesn’t appear to be any kind of bonus for certain game modes or from the season pass catalyst progress buffs. You can just use the gun a whole bunch or grind it out quickly.

There are many places where you can complete this catalyst, but you should note that the old Thrall hallway in the Shattered Throne dungeon has been patched to no longer grant any kind of XP or catalyst progress. You’ll need to find another location if that was something you frequently did. You can use the beginning of the Shuro Chi encounter or Grasp of Avarice as an alternative.

Now we recommend activities like the Blind Well and Altars of Sorrow as terrific alternatives. The latter throws huge numbers of weak Hive enemies at you, making it easy to complete this catalyst. At least with the new primary infinite ammo addition, you can literally just stand in one place as lines of enemies run at you. Sadly, our other recommendation, the Kingship Dock Lost Sector in The Tangled Shore, has been vaulted with the launch of The Witch Queen. This was an extremely short Lost Sector packed with enemies you could swiftly go through in a couple of minutes.

About the Author

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.