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Crowning Duologue



It took a full seven minutes before Lord Shaxx stopped pretending that the screen in front of him was transmitting a live Crucible match and not a looped recording. He finally let out an aggrieved sigh and folded his arms across his chest.


"If you can spare a few moments," Lord Saladin said, with grim humor, "I wanted to talk."

Shaxx leveled his helmet in Saladin's direction.

Saladin returned his stare. "Fine. It isn't a matter of wanting. We need to talk." Saladin braced himself. "About Twilight Gap."

Shaxx turned to face Saladin, arms sliding down to his sides. His chest expanded as he filled the great bellows of his lungs.

"You made the right call," Saladin said, quickly.

There was a muffled, choked sound from beneath Shaxx's helmet.

"We've always known that much." Saladin's mouth twisted unhappily. He turned his gaze to the City's horizon, feigning interest in a flooded crater near the outskirts. "Even if I refused to admit it."

"You saw hope where I couldn't. I told myself your defiance was grandstanding." Saladin laughed ruefully. "I'd given up. But you—you and your fireteam bought us time. Enough time for all of us to change."

Shaxx stood unmoving. They both waited in protracted silence.

At last, Saladin sighed. "After all these years, after everything… I trust your judgment. I just wanted you to know that."

Shaxx's helmet shifted, just slightly. "Before the end?"

"Before whatever comes next."

Shaxx nodded slowly.

"You know, I had a host of incredibly scathing comments prepared for this moment."

Saladin smiled. "I bet you did."

About the Author

Sahil Bajaj

Sahil Bajaj is a Narrative Designer and Game Writer who is currently working as a freelancer. He's worked with companies like Sweet Baby Inc, Veritable Joy and the 4 Winds Entertainment. He plays all Destiny 2 classes equally and is Guardian Rank 11.

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Launcher Barrel Slot

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Smart Drift Control

This barrel is broadly optimized for firing control. • Moderately controls recoil • Increases stability • Increases handling speed • Slightly increases projectile speed

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Quick Launch

This weapon's barrel provides faster projectiles and much faster aiming. • Greatly increases handling speed • Increases projectile speed

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Linear Compensator

This weapon's launch barrel is well-balanced. • Slightly increases projectile speed • Slightly increases blast radius • Slightly increases stability

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Hard Launch

This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed. • Greatly increases projectile speed • Decreases stability • Slightly decreases blast radius

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This weapon is weighted for vertical recoil. • Greatly controls recoil • Increases stability • Increases handling speed

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Confined Launch

This weapon's launch parameters are particularly stable. • Greatly increases stability • Increases blast radius • Decreases projectile speed

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Volatile Launch

This weapon is optimized for an especially explosive payload. • Greatly increases blast radius • Slightly decreases handling speed • Slightly decreases projectile speed