
Destiny 2 is Adding Keyword Abilities to Many Exotic Weapons

With the 3.0 subclass reworks, Destiny 2 built its gameplay around a series of keywords that are themed to the game’s different damage types. However, many older Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 haven’t been tied to this keywords, even where it would make sense. With the release of Lightfall, Bungie is revisiting a number of Exotics and updating them to fit into the game’s post 3.0 subclass landscape.

As detailed in a blog post on Bungie’s site today, a whole lot of older Exotics are getting keywords — and in many cases, substantial buffs. For instance, The Queenbreaker‘s shots will now chain to nearby enemies and uses the Arc 3.0 blind keyword. Another example is Ruinous Effigy, whose transmutation sphere slam attacks will now grant the Void suppression effect.

Speaking of Void effects, the Leviathan’s Breath Exotic heavy bow will apply the volatile Void keyword on a perfect draw impact, and is also getting a general damage buff as well as a 30% damage increase against Champions.

A number of weapons are getting the ability to inflict scorch stacks. The Exotics getting access to the scorch and ignition keywords include the unique power fusion rifle One Thousand VoicesSunshot (finally!), Polaris Lance, and Two-Tailed Fox. Prometheus Lens is getting the Incandescent perk on its catalyst. Now that’s a spicy meat-a-ball.

Lastly, the machine gun Grand Overture — which was recently buffed — is getting an Arc 3.0 blind effect on its missiles.

What do you think of these changes? Are any of your favorite Exotics represented in the changes? Are you more likely to use any of these Destiny 2 Exotics now that they’ve got snazzy new keywords? Let us know in the comments. Personally, we’re most excited about the Sunshot rework. Regardless, it’s nice to see Bungie revisiting older Exotics and bringing them more in line with the current state of the game.

About the Author

merritt k

merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.