
New Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic Glaive/Sword Leaks

It wouldn’t be a new Destiny 2 release without images leaking ahead of time. While you can’t get your hands on Lightfall until tomorrow at 9 AM PST, there’s plenty of tidbits to examine if you want to get a sneak peak of what’s in store. We already got an official tease of the Root of Nightmares raid complete with a screenshot and thanks to leaks from a good while ago, we already likely know who we’ll be fighting at the end of that raid.  And then there’s the new seasonal artifact which has been reworked and no longer requires you to slot the perks. For both that link and this article here’s the usual disclaimer: Spoilers after this image — you’ve been warned.

Over on Twitter, there’s an image from Lightfall going around which shows a glaive or a sword, it’s honestly hard to tell. But it’s confirmed to be an exotic and looks cool as hell.

Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of swords or glaives but this is the coolest looking weapon Bungie has released in a good while. Reminds me of the old Destiny 1 days and the Desolate Taken armor sets. God those looked so cool. More of this stuff Bungie, please!

It’s not the only thing that’s leaked, however. Community members have also found the Season of Defiance armor set which looks incredibly regal. Between the crystal color gems, the gold embellishments, and the royal purple/pink colors, it’s a set you don’t want to miss.

Also the Hunter is wearing three belts. So if you like belts…congratulations.

With the release of Lightfall tomorrow, make sure to check back for all of our coverage. We’ll be guiding all of the new content extensively including the new builds, titles, rewards, exotics, and all of the other new features launching with it.

About the Author

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.