
Vex Mythoclast and Revision Zero Get Anti-Champion Buffs in Destiny 2

Vex Mythoclast and Revision Zero deal increased damage against Champions with Season 23 update.

In the new Season 23 weapon tuning blog post, Bungie shared changes coming to weapon types, glaives, and Exotic weapons. The Destiny 2 developer also plans on giving the Vex Mythoclast Exotic fusion rifle and the Kinetic Revision Zero Exotic pulse rifle anti-Champion capabilities, too.

The developer said that although it gave the Vex Mythoclast a range and PVE damage buff this season, it will further tune the weapon for PVE activities. This includes a 10% damage boost against minor red-bar combatants, and the weapon will deal 25% more damage to bosses. Vex Mythoclast doesn't have an intrinsic anti-Champion perk, but with the upcoming change, it will deal 200% increased damage to all Champions in the linear fusion rifle mode — which players can activate by defeating targets to build stacks of Overcharge.

The Revision Zero — which players can now earn from the Exotic Mission Rotator playlist — is also getting a buff to combat Champions. Next season, this pulse rifle will deal 100% increased damage against Champions, on top of its intrinsic Anti-Barrier ability.

In addition to those Exotic updates, Thorn and Salvation's Grip will see changes next season, too. Bungie previously said the reprised Destiny 1 Exotic hand cannon is finally getting a catalyst, but this blog post detailed some weapon stats. Thorn will get 20 more range and increase stability by 10 with the weapon masterwork bonus, and picking up Remnants can overflow the magazine with a maximum of 40 rounds. Since Salvation's Grip can generate Stasis crystals using its ammo, crystal detonations will have a delay since quickly shattering crystals in a single frame sends players to orbit.

Also, Bungie is overhauling the Osteo Striga submachine gun, Winterbite glaive, and class-specific Exotic glaives. While not specific to Exotic weapons, all sniper rifles — even ones that use Heavy ammo — will benefit from the 15% bonus PVE damage. 

About the Author

Saniya Ahmed

Saniya Ahmed is an editor at Fanbyte covering Destiny 2 news, guides, and feature stories. She’s a long-time Destiny player who loves the game for its lore and is a Hunter main. Her bylines include GameSpot, IGN, WIRED, Game Informer, and more.