FFXIV Collectables Guide

Collectables play an important role for crafting and gathering jobs in FFXIV. Here's what you need to know.

The crafting and gathering jobs of Final Fantasy XIV, known as Disciples of the Hand and Land, are responsible for fueling the game's player-driven market boards. However, the materials or recipe books they require for some of these recipes aren't obtained through the markets but through the Collectable system unique to crafters and gatherers.

Rather than breaking rocks or sifting through tall grass to harvest plants, Disciples of the Hand and Land learn through the Collectable system that sometimes quality is more important than quantity. In order to access everything available to you as a crafter or gatherer, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the concept of Collectables and their importance in FFXIV.

This guide will cover the basics of Collectables. For more detailed guides for crafters and gatherers, check out the guides below:

  • Guide to Crafter's Collectables: Coming soon!
  • Guide to Gatherer's Collectables: Coming soon!

FFXIV Retainer Picking Alpha.png
Image by Fanbyte via Square Enix

What are Collectables in FFXIV?

Collectables in FFXIV are unique items that may seem similar to the ones found in the standard crafting or gathering logs and cannot be traded, sold, or stacked. Rather than the standard quality progress bar found in crafting, Collectables for both Disciples of the Hand and Land build upon the concept of quality by giving their Collectable versions a unique stat called "Collectability."

The quality meter for standard crafting in Final Fantasy XIV determines the odds of the final product being high quality. For Collectables, there's no such thing as a high quality version. The final quality "score" is applied to the crafted or gathered item as its Collectability Rating, and requested items that meet specific Collectability ratings earn you more rewards when exchanging them with the various NPCs who take them. Disciples of the Land haven't had to think about the quality their general materials since Patch 6.0, but their focus shifts when dealing with Collectables.

Image by Fanbyte via Square Enix

Exchanging specific Collectables that meet a certain quality threshold to Collectable Appraisers found all across FFXIV's world rewards the primary currencies unique to the system known as White and Purple Crafters' and Gatherers' Scrips. Scrips, and therefore Collectables, play an essential part for Disciples of the Hand and Land to unlock new recipes and nodes, endgame gear, and purchase rare crafting materials. Collectables don't just better prepare you for the endgame with new currencies, but also provide an excellent source of EXP after turning them in.

What systems use Collectables in FFXIV?

The many Collectable Appraisers throughout the major cities of Etheirys and beyond are typically the ones you'll hand in Collectables to the most, as their name implies. Others will happily take your Collectables off your hands, but what they'll take is specific to the content they're tied to.

Custom Deliveries

FFXIV Ameliance Custom Delivery
Image via Square Enix

Custom Deliveries are a series of short storylines undertaken by Disciples of the Hand or Land jobs. Progressing through these quest lines requires handing over gathered or crafted Collectable items. Like their Collectable Appraiser counterparts, Custom Deliveries reward experience, gil and scrips for completing them while also offering various achievements and titles.

You're limited to six Custom Deliveries per NPC with 12 allowances total. You should complete all 12 Custom Deliveries as soon as possible each week for their rewards before focusing your efforts on Collectables elsewhere.

Ishgardian Restoration

Image via Square Enix

Outside of the Collectable Appraisers and Custom Deliveries, many Warriors of Light find themselves in the Firmament, crafting several Collectables in a row to turn in all at once. Depending on the level of your Disciple of the Hand job, you'll have access to various tiers of supplies the Ishgardians require to progress in their current phase of restoration. Each turn-in gives a healthy sum of EXP and is often used as a power leveling method for crafters looking to make quick progress.

While the Firmament has the Diadem for Disciples of the Land, none of the gathered materials inside are considered Collectables.

Aetherial Reduction

Image by Fanbyte via Square Enix

The purpose of Collectables isn't only to hand them over for Scrips. Sometimes, you need to look inward for the real treasure — inside the Collectable, that is. After completing the quest No Longer a Collectable, players unlock an ability similar to Desynthesis that breaks down a gathered Collectable item into its base form. In the case of using Aetherial Reduction on an item with high Collectability, there's a chance for the Collectable to reduce into a type of aethersand, a crafting material used in many endgame crafting recipes.

Having a max Collectability rating is basically a guarantee to earn aethersand and Disciples of the Land must strategically use the abilities in their kit to gather as many high Collectability items as possible from limited-time nodes to get their precious crafting materials.

All Collectable Appraisers in FFXIV

A large portion of the endgame for Disciples of the Hand and Land revolves around unlocking new items and recipes with the Scrips earned from turning in Collectables. To do so, you'll need to know where to find the nearest appraiser and any requirements you need to fulfill to unlock them.

Appraiser LocationRequired QuestQuest Giver
Limsa Lominsa
(X: 6.1, Y: 12.0)
Inscrutable TastesMorgayne
(X: 10.1, Y: 10.4)
Old Gridania
(X: 14.1, Y: 9.1)
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal
(X: 14.2, Y: 10.8)
Mor Dhona
(X: 22.4, Y: 6.7)
(X: 5.7, Y: 7.0)
Go West, CraftsmanLydirlona
Mor Dhona
(X: 22.3, Y: 6.8)
Rhalgr's Reach
(X: 9.8, Y: 12.4)
Reach Long and ProsperGaliena
Rhalgr's Reach
(X: 9.8, Y: 12.5)
(X: 11.5, Y: 10.8)
The Boutique Always WinsMowen
(X: 11.4, Y: 10.7)
(X: 12.0, Y: 10.0)
Expanding House of SplendorsOfpilona
(X: 11.7, Y: 9.6)

About the Author

Mills Webster

Mills is a lifelong fan of all things video games, especially the Final Fantasy franchise. After playing his favorite entry in the series, Final Fantasy VIII, for the first time in the distant year of 1999, Mills has completed nearly every Final Fantasy game since. He has played Final Fantasy XIV since 2016, where he's clocked almost 8,000 hours of playtime and serves as an in-game mentor.