FFXIV Endwalker: How to Unlock the New Female Viera Hairstyles

Square Enix adds new hairstyles, but you have to work to get them.

During one of the earlier Letter from the Producer Live streams for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, creative director and lead producer Naoki Yoshida showed off new hairstyles coming for female Viera. This excited a number of players who were previously dissatisfied with the number of cosmetic options available for the race. What Yoshida neglected to mention is the hairstyles aren’t entirely free. 

Well, one of them is. But you have to unlock the other five hairstyles that Square Enix added to the game. So here’s a short list letting you know where to pick up the styles and what content you need to unlock to have a chance to pick them up. They’ll be available as “Modern Aesthetics” items that you can use to add the hairstyles to your collection. 

FFXIV Endwalker Female Viera Hair Karen

Style 1 – Basic

This hairstyle has become affectionately known as the “Karen hair” by parts of the community. It’s also the one hairstyle that you’ll get for free. When you load up the character creator, you’ll find this hairstyle at the end of the list. 

FFXIV Endwalker Female Viera Hair Ponytail

Style 2 – Ponytails

If you’re looking to have these stylish ponytails, then you need to be a high roller. You have to head over to the Gold Saucer Attendant (X: 5.1 Y: 6.6 – The Gold Saucer). The merchant will have the “Modern Aesthetics – Ponytails” item for a clean 8,000 MGP. 

To unlock The Gold Saucer—how have you missed such majesty?!—you’ll need to complete the questline starting with “It Could Happen to You,” available from the Well-heeled Youth (X: 9.6 Y: 9.0 – Ul’dah The Steps of Nald) at level 15. 

FFXIV Endwalker Female Viera Hair Side Bob

Style 3 – Side Bob

Want to grace your female Viera with this excellent side bob? Then you’ll have to pick up “Modern Aesthetics – Controlled Chaos” from Enie (X: 12.0 Y: 14.0 – The Firmament). The item will cost 1,800 Skybuilders’ Scrip, meaning you need to be a crafter of some sort. 

The Firmament is part of the Ishgardian Restoration event for Disciples of the Land and Hand. You’ll need to have any Job to Level 60 and have completed the post-Heavensward main scenario quest “Litany of Peace”. Read the Recruitment Notice (X: 9.7 Y: 11.5 – The Foundation) to start the questline, which will unlock The Firmament. You’ll get the Skybuilders’ Scrip as a reward for turning in materials and crafted items specific to the Restoration. This is also a great place to level your gatherers or crafters!

FFXIV Endwalker Female Viera Hair Lightning

Style 4 – Lightning

This hairstyle recalls the long flowing locks of Louis Vuitton model and Final Fantasy XIII protagonist Claire “Lightning” Farron. It’s also sadly one of the more annoying styles to pick up. Way back in 2013, FFXIV played host to a FFXIII collaboration event where players could obtain cosmetic items inspired by the latter game. If you completed the event quest “For the Winsome,” then you’ve already unlocked the hairstyle for other female characters, so it’ll be available for female Viera.

Unfortunately, the event is long since gone. Instead, newer players will have to buy the hairstyle with real money. It’s available on the Online Store as part of Lightning’s Attire. The set will cost $15 and in addition to Lightning’s outfit, you’ll get the “Modern Aesthetics – Pulse” item. 

FFXIV Endwalker Female Viera Hair 2B

Style 5 – 2B’s Hair

If you already have 2B’s outfit, then we have a hairstyle for you. This bob cut mirrors 2B’s distinctive haircut, especially in white. You’ll have a chance to pick this up as a drop from 41626572726174696F6E: The False Idol, the final boss of The Tower at Paradigm’s Breach alliance raid. Yes, this means you will have to roll against other players for a chance to grab it. The item in question is “Modern Aesthetics – Battle-ready Bob”. 

The Tower at Paradigm’s Breach is the third and final leg of the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse raid series. You’ll unlock this series by accepting the quest “Word About Komra” from the Gossipy Dwarf (X: 12.9 Y: 8.7 – Kholusia). There are a few quests and two previous raid wings that you’ll need to complete before The Tower unlocks. If you haven’t yet done this stuff, buckle in.

FFXIV Endwalker Female Viera Hair 9S

Style 6 – 9S’s Hair

This short cut looks exactly like the hair of 2B’s partner, 9S. Like the previous style, you’ll have a chance to pick this up as a drop from 41626572726174696F6E: The False Idol, the final boss of The Tower at Paradigm’s Breach alliance raid. Yes, this means you will have to roll against other players for a chance to grab it. The item in question is “Modern Aesthetics – Scanning For Style”. 

The Tower at Paradigm’s Breach is the third and final leg of the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse raid series. You’ll unlock this series by accepting the quest “Word About Komra” from the Gossipy Dwarf (X: 12.9 Y: 8.7 – Kholusia). There are a few quests and two previous raid wings that you’ll need to complete before The Tower unlocks. If you haven’t yet done this stuff, buckle in.

And with that, you’ll have all the new hairstyles! We hope the guide was helpful. If so, you should check out all of our other great FFXIV content.


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