Destiny 2 In the Shadow of the Mountain Guide - Warlord's Ruin Quest Steps

Destiny’s newest dungeon Warlord’s Ruin has a lengthy companion quest full of secrets. Here are all the steps!

The newest dungeon for Destiny 2 is here, and Warlord’s Ruin has you stepping into a Dark Age castle to battle Scorn and Taken. Just like previous dungeons in Destiny 2, you’ll need to pick up the In the Shadow of the Mountain quest in order to access the dungeon, and that same quest goes further to lead you down the path of multiple completions and hidden secrets within Warlord’s Ruin. 

Start by grabbing the In the Shadow of the Mountain quest from Ikora at the Tower, which you’ll need either the Lightfall Annual Pass or Lightfall Dungeon Key in order to access.


In the Shadow of the Mountain Quest Walkthrough

Parts of the quest will point you to all of the Corrupted Ahamkara Bone collectibles, here's a dedicated guide on how to find them.

Step 1

Complete the Warlord’s Ruin dungeon in the EDZ. The first step is the most straightforward. Although Season of the Wish takes place in the Dreaming City, the dungeon can be found in the upper right corner of the EDZ destination map. 

Step 2

Collect a corrupted Ahamkara Bone. After defeating the third and final boss of Warlord’s Ruin Hefnd’s Vengeance, Blighted Chimera, you proceed to the second step in the In the Shadow of the Mountain quest. Immediately to the left of the reward chest after the final boss, you’ll see the first Corrupted Ahamkara Bone on the ground next to the reward chest. These are the collectibles found within Warlord’s Ruin, and this bone next to this final chest should be the first one you get, completing the second quest step.

Step 3

Collect five Dark Ether Tinctures. Now that you have completed the dungeon, new enemies will appear in subsequent runs, specifically Screebs named Thieving Wretch. These sturdy yellow-bar Screebs will run away as soon as they see you, but when shot, they drop Dark Ether Tinctures. You’ll find the first of these right at the beginning of the dungeon when crossing the wooden bridge into the first encounter. There are two more Thieving Wretches between each encounter later in the dungeon.

Another way to get Dark Ether Tinctures, which are required for later quest steps too, is to collect the Corrupted Ahamkara Bones again after getting them initially. For each of these you’ll get five Dark Ether Tinctures.

Step 4

Find and restore three lost Bones of Hefnd: 

  • First Bone: Across the bridge inside the first fort, before an arresting Knight assails you. 
  • Second Bone: Across from imprisonment, after ascending through the ceiling. 
  • Third Bone: At the top of the summit, face back from the cliff and find shelter.

By achieving this quest step you’ll now be able to dispel the Level 1 sealed doors throughout the dungeon. Through each of these doors lies one Corrupted Ahamkara Bone, and each hint within the quest points to each of the three Level 1 doors hidden throughout the dungeon. 

You’ll also need to find 50 more Dark Ether Tinctures and three Blighted Wishing Glass, which you get one of for completing every encounter.

Step 5

Find and restore three more lost bones of Hefnd:

  • Fourth Bone: In the snowfallen maze, through the broken wall, seek the banner of kings. 
  • Fifth Bone: Cross into the Tempest, through the portcullis, at the sewer's mouth. 
  • Sixth Bone: At summit's base, find shelter off the beaten path. Too far, and the Taken will descend upon you.

After reaching quest step four, you can open Level 2 sealed doors throughout the dungeon, and like before each hides a secret corrupted Ahamkara Bone. You’ll also need 60 more Dark Ether Tinctures and three Blighted Wishing Glass.

Step 6

Find and restore three final lost Bones of Hefnd:

  • Seventh Bone: Within the maze, stride spanning a pitfall, light calls through the window. 
  • Eighth Bone: The Taken roil at cave's bottom sends you to scurry over boulders into a ruined alcove. 
  • Ninth Bone: Within a tunnel on the broken cliffs, brave the Taken storm.

You’ll also need to farm 80 Dark Ether Tinctures and four more Blighted Wishing Glass.

Step 7

Gather Blighted Wishing Glass and Dark Ether Tinctures to empower the portal in the Blighted Keep. For this step, it’ll ask you to reach 100% completion on Dark Ether Tinctures and also earn five more Blighted Wishing Glass. The Dark Ether Tinctures seem to be worth a little less than 1% per pick up, with six Tinctures being worth 5% of completion.

Step 8

Return to Hefnd’s Cairn. Just before the final encounter you’ll now be able to interact with the Mote of Light floating at the base of the twin spiral stairs that lead to the final fight. Upon interacting with it, you’ll get teleported to Hefnd’s Cairn to examine the Dragon Skeleton, which completes this quest step. 

Here is where you are rewarded with a random Exotic.

Step 9

Return to Ikora and report your findings. Upon talking to Ikora back at the Tower you’ll complete the quest.

About the Author

Auri O'Neill

Auri O’Neill has been talking video games since 2010 and is a freelance writer for guides and opinion at Fanbyte. She identifies as a perma-warlock, and is obsessed with getting every exotic. You can hear her hosting on H.E.L.M. to Tower Podcast, and read her work on