The Diadem is an unusual piece of instanced gathering content in Final Fantasy XIV that’s gone through a half dozen iterations to eventually become what it is today. Originally a Disciples of War and Magic instance similar to Bozja, The Diadem eventually became a (relatively) safe gathering haven for players.
In its initial release the gathering version of the Diadem was also a competition, with Skybuilder Rankings released in Shadowbringers Patch 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4. Those who achieved the top 10 in the rankings in their server received a special title, Saint of the Firmament. Those in the top 100 also received the rank Beata or Beatus of the Firmament.
This competition has closed, but there’s still plenty of reasons to enter the Diadem, including mount unlocks, Sky Builder’s Scrips, and more.
FFXIV Diadem Comprehensive Guide
To enter the Diadem, you’ll need to be in any gathering job (Fisher, Miner, Botanist) and have progressed the Main Scenario Quest to at least the “Litany of Peace” (The final MSQ of the Dragonsong War Heavensward post-game quests). You’ll also need to have completed the blue side quest, “Towards the Firmament.”
The Diadem itself is an instanced gathering zone accessed from Ishgard. Although it was added in the Shadowbringers expansion, it’s tied to the Heavensward expansion.
How to unlock the Diadem
- Step 1: Complete Heavensward and the Dragonsong War post-expansion content
- Step 2: Start the Ishgardian Restoration quest chain, up to “Towards the Firmament”
- Step 3: Have a Gatherer at at least level 10.
Entering the Diadem
To enter the Diadem after it’s unlocked, first travel to The Firmament, which can be done at the Foundation Aetheryte plaza. Then talk to Aurvael (X: 10.8, Y: 14) on a gathering job. This will active a duty dialog which can be accepted to send you to the Diadem.
Leveling a gatherer in the Diadem
For both Miner and Botanist, The Diadem is one of the best ways to level. For Fisher, there is another, better option (Ocean Fishing), but if you’re looking for a change, the Diadem is definitely a good place to start.
From level 10 to 20, you’ll only have a small selection of materials to gather at each node, and may even lack the stats to gather 100% of them. You’ll want to make use of Survival Manuals (Gatherer EXP boost items), and Free Company buffs whenever possible, but realistically, you’ll still level very fast in the Diadem without them. Taking breaks to complete job quests is advised as well, as some gatherer abilities are locked behind them.
Which direction should I go in the Diadem
It’s not stated in-game, but there is a correct direction to go for Miners and Botanists. If you’re a Miner, you want to travel around the Diadem in a clockwise direction, and if you’re a Botanist you want to travel counter-clockwise. The nodes will generate and respawn in the relevant direction for each job, so it's essential you travel in the right way.
There are also two routes for each gatherer: A Mining and Quarrying path for Miner, and a Logging and Harvesting path for Botanist. However, there's no point sticking to just one of these paths. Instead, you should focus on getting around the circuit in the most efficient way using both paths.
Inspecting and Appraising Materials
After gathering materials for a while, you’ll want to depart the Diadem. You can do this by returning to the starting point and leaving via the exit, or using the Duty Menu (U key by default) to leave. Once you’ve left, you’ll need to have your materials inspected by Flotpassant, the Resource Inspector (X: 10.8, Y: 14).
You can click Auto-submit for speed, or enter them manually using your inventory. You’ll need to make sure you have the correct job selected. It’s also worth checking any other jobs when you submit for inspection, as you may have picked up some of the other job’s materials via the Aetheromatic Auger.
These materials, unfortunately, are largely useless in today’s Ishgardian Restoration, as most crafters will only be looking for higher level materials. However, it could be worth putting some of these on the market board, and checking for demand. Otherwise, they can be sold by your retainer for instant gil.
From level 50 to 60, the materials are much more useful, and you’ll either want to keep these for your other crafting, or sell them for huge profits.
High-level and max-level Diadem gathering
Once you’re level 60, you should no longer be focusing on anything but the two or three highest level gathering options at a particular node. You'll also want to focus on items that are ingredients in the top-level of Skybuilders' crafts. If you're also simultaneously levelling a crafter, aim for the relevant items for them. Alternatively, focus on items like Grade 4 Wheat or Grade 4 White Cedar Log which feature in multiple crafting recipes. This way you can sell these materials on for more gil. Additionally, focus on Umbral Weather nodes, which are detailed below.
Diadem specific details
Aetheromatic Auger
The Aetheromatic Auger is a unique ability which appears only in the Diadem. To use this ability, you’ll need to charge Compressed Aether bars, which appear in the top left corner of your UI by default. The Compressed Aether bar charges a small amount for each time you gather at a node, or catch a fish. You’ll need to gather at around eight to 10 nodes to charge a single bar of the Aetheromatic Auger, or around 40-50 for a full five charges.
Once you have at least a single bar of Compressed Aether you can target a mob (which are passive but targetable), and press the ability to launch a deadly shot of Compressed Aether.
A single shot of Compressed Aether will always kill a mob, so no need to worry about missing or having to use multiple shots. Once a mob dies to a Aetheromatic Auger shot, it drops a variety of materials depending on the creature type. Below is listed all the Diadem creatures and the drops
Diadem Beast

- Grade 4 Gold Ore
- Grade 4 Truespring Water
- Grade 4 Bluespirit Ore
- Grade 4 Finest Rock Salt
- Grade 4 Artisanal Spring Water
Diadem Golem

- Grade 4 Gold Ore
- Grade 4 Truespring Water
- Grade 4 Mineral Sand
- Grade 4 Finest Rock Salt
- Grade 4 Artisanal Cloudstone
Diadem Ice Bomb

- Grade 4 Gold Ore
- Grade 4 Mineral Sand
- Grade 4 Finest Rock Salt
- Grade 4 Bluespirit Ore
- Grade 4 Artisanal Silex
Diadem Ice Golem

- Grade 4 Gold Ore
- Grade 4 Truespring Water
- Grade 4 Mineral Sand
- Grade 4 Bluespirit Ore
- Grade 4 Artisanal Ice Stalagmite
Diadem Zoblyn

- Grade 4 Bluespirit Ore
- Grade 4 Truespring Water
- Grade 4 Mineral Sand
- Grade 4 Finest Rock Salt
- Grade 4 Artisanal Prismstone
Diadem Bloated Bulb

- Grade 4 White Cedar Log
- Grade 4 Primordial Resin
- Grade 4 Tortoise
- Grade 4 Gossamer Cotton Boll
- Grade 4 Artisanal Cocoon
Diadem Icetrap

- Grade 4 Wheat
- Grade 4 Primordial Resin
- Grade 4 Tortoise
- Grade 4 Gossamer Cotton Boll
- Grade 4 Artisanal Barbgrass
Diadem Melia

- Grade 4 White Cedar Log
- Grade 4 Primordial Resin
- Grade 4 Wheat
- Grade 4 Gossamer Cotton Boll
- Grade 4 Artisanal Log
Diadem Werewood

- Grade 4 White Cedar Log
- Grade 4 Primordial Resin
- Grade 4 Tortoise
- Grade 4 Wheat
- Grade 4 Artisanal Raspberry

- Grade 4 White Cedar Log
- Grade 4 Wheat
- Grade 4 Tortoise
- Grade 4 Gossamer Cotton Boll
- Grade 4 Artisanal Caiman
Corrupted Sprite

- Earth Cluster
- Earth Crystal
- Earth Shard
- Fire Cluster
- Fire Crystal
- Fire Shard
- Ice Cluster
- Ice Crystal
- Ice Shard
- Lightning Cluster
- Lightning Crystal
- Lightning Shard
- Water Cluster
- Water Crystal
- Water Shard
- Wind Cluster
- Wind Crystal
- Wind Shard
Umbral Weather
If the weather changes the sky to a different color, it’s time to head to one of the Umbral gathering points. These special gathering nodes will have rarer materials than usual, and should be a priority.
- Yellow – Umbral Duststorm – Botanist – X: 33.9 Y: 13.2
- Red – Umbral Flare – Miner – X: 12.9 Y: 9.7
- Green – Umbral Tempest – Botanist – X: 9.5 Y: 30.3
- Purple – Umbral Levin – Miner – X: 33.9 Y: 13.2
General Diadem tips
Here’s some general Diadem tips and advice:
- Flying is enabled by default in the Diadem, even if you’ve not unlocked any Wind Currents in other areas.
- You always want to have your Truth buffs on. It’s worth putting Truth of the Seas, Truth of the Forest, and Truth of the Mountains on at all times, that way when a Umbral node pops, you can get it. You always want these, regardless of the job you’re currently farming with, and it’s worth potentially keeping a few cordials in reserve for any time it pops.
- You should organize your gathering route around Aetheromatic Auger charges, making sure to use them all once you’re at five bars, and use any remaining Compressed Aether before you leave the Diadem.
- Aetheromatic Auger shots are some of the most efficient gathering methods in the game, and should be used wisely! Remember to aim for mobs that will drop materials related to the specific job/material type you’re trying to raise the score of.
- Have your own music primed and ready for the Diadem. The diadem music is fine, but after a few hours you’ll go insane.