In Final Fantasy XIV, perhaps one of the most overlooked ways to make gil with your Crafters is with White Crafters’ Scrips. As a secondary currency to the much more sought-after Purple Crafters’ Scrips you might find yourself flooded with this currency, especially if you’re doing Custom Deliveries or other crafting content.
Luckily, there are some great ways to make gil using these scrips, mainly by selling some of the trade-in items to other crafters or would-be house decorators. Here’s how to make gil with White Crafters’ Scrips in FFXIV.
FFXIV White Crafters’ Scrips basics

White Crafters’ Scrips are reward for crafting and gathering collectables in FFXIV. They’re rewarded for almost every level of collectable, except the rarest and high value, where currently Purple Crafters’ Scrips are the reward instead. White Crafters’ Scrips can be obtained from Custom Deliveries, exchanging collectables, Studium deliveries, and other pieces of Crafter and content. For a full breakdown on them, check out the guide on how to farm White Gatherers’ Scrips in FFXIV.
Once you’ve gathered White Crafters’ Scrips, you can trade them to a multitude of Scrip Exchange NPCs for materials. There’s a Scrip Exchange NPC in over a dozen cities in FFXIV, as well as others appearing in settlements such as Labyrinthos, The Ruby Sea, Il Mheg, and more. Regardless of the Scrip Exchange NPC you choose, the options will be the same, so don’t worry about seeking out a specific character. When you have your scrips, and have found a Scrip Exchange NPC, it’s time to start making gil on this unique currency.
What to buy to make gil with White Crafters’ Scrips in FFXIV
The primary way to make gil from White Crafters’ Scrips is to trade them to Scrip Exchange NPCs for items which can then be sold on the market board. Be careful, as many of the Scrip Exchange items are untradable and unmarketable, such as gear and some materials.
Below are some of the best items to spend your White Crafters’ Scrips on to make gil in FFXIV.
Furnishings are a great way to start earning gil with White Crafters’ scrips, especially if you don’t have a lot of scrips to start out. There’s three furnishing items you can buy, and they usually sell pretty frequently and for an averagely good price. These are the Pastry Cupboard, the Fabric Rack, and the Potion Rack.
As common furnishing items, they’ll sell for between a few hundred and a few thousand gil. Their low price actually helps them move, as many people will buy them for their housing projects. Unfortunately, they’re the only furnishing items in the White Crafters’ Scrip exchange list.
Crafting materials
Materials are where the real money is in White Crafter’s Scrips. You’ll want to carefully curate the materials you buy though to make sure you’re maximizing your profit.
In the level 90 materials Gripgel requires 500 White Crafters’ Scrips and while the gear it crafts is current will likely continue to sell for tens of thousands of gil.
For level 80 materials, there are two good options. Sliversand is needed for level 90 crafting tools and gear, and is purchasable for 250 Scrips. It’s slightly less valuable than Gripgel but still useful, selling for several thousand in most cases. Sublime Solution is also required for level 90 crafting tools, as well as bardings and other collectables. It can be traded for 125 scrips, and is similar in value to Sliversand, and price will likely not fluctuate.
Level 70 materials are really only valuable for Kingcraft Materia. This item is sometimes a good option, as some people may be crafting level 80 items to sell for glamour pieces. At 25 scrips, it’s worth a try, but might not sell well depending on your World and Data Center.
Level 60 is a goldmine because of the materials used for glamour gear like Flannel, Wool Top, New World Macrame, and Pellitory. At 200 scrips each, these will sell well at all times, usually for thousands or tens of thousands. An unsinkable market if you need something certain to sell.
Level 50 is good for a few items, check out the Fieldcraft Demimateria III for 200 scrips as your main purchase from here, as it’s used in dozens of furnishing items and is rare. Mastercraft Demimateria is a little too expensive, but can find some use. If you have a spare 800 scrips, take a chance on this.
What to avoid
In general, there are a lot of pitfalls to buying items with White Crafters’ Scrips. First, always double check before you buy a material that it can be marketed and tradable. This is a trap you can easily fall into if you’re not careful.
Next, while low-scrip-cost crafting items and particular ingredients for culinarian recipes can seem like a good option, those items do not have good movement on the marketboard. They’ll often sit for weeks, sometimes months without selling, and you’ll find yourself dropping the price to just try and sell them.
Crafter’s Delineations don’t usually sell particularly well, so they can be skipped, as can Orchestrion Rolls. Finally, materia will always seem like a good option for buying with currency, but it’s such a fluctuating and saturated market. With so many sources for it, it’s a bad idea. Instead, focus on the high-yield crafting items.